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If you often catch yourself thinking, check to see if there is a cognitive error in it that can affect your feelings, attitude towards yourself and others, behavior... How can you distort your thoughts: 1 .“Does he think that I don’t understand anything at all?” - MIND READING – you think that you know what is in others’ heads, although you don’t even have sufficient grounds for this. 2. “I won’t be able to cope with this task?” - PREDICTION OF THE FUTURE - you, like a fortune teller, predict events that will definitely happen and will not end well. 3. “Am I 100% embarrassed?” - CATASTROPHIZATION - you are sure that something incredibly terrible and unbearable awaits you in the future. 4. “Am I a loser?” - LABELING - you attribute the worst qualities to yourself and others. 5. “What did he do for me? Just think, I helped around the house. Is this his responsibility!?” - DEVALUATION OF THE POSITIVE - you are sure that the results achieved by you or others are not worth anything 6. “So what if my loved ones say that I look good, yesterday they told me that I look tired?” - NEGATIVE FILTER - you, as a rule, pay attention to the negative and hardly notice the positive. 7. “I won’t succeed, as always?” - OVERGENERALIZATION - you draw global negative conclusions from a single case. 8. “Either will I be with him, or will I live alone all my life?” - DICHOTOMIC THINKING - you evaluate people and events according to the “all or nothing” principle 9. “Do I have time to implement everything I have in mind?” - SHOULD – you assess the situation from the position of how it should be, and do not perceive the situation realistically and objectively. 10. “Did I ruin our marriage?” - PERSONALIZATION – you take the blame on yourself, not understanding that not everything that happens depends on us. 11. “Did my parents raise me to be such an egoist?” - BLAME – you think that the other person is to blame for how you feel or what happens to you, forgetting that you are also responsible for the changes. 12. "Is he more successful than me?" - UNFAIR COMPARISON - you look at events based on fictitious standards and paying attention specifically to people who are better than you in something.13. "If I hadn't been late, this wouldn't have happened?" - ORIENTATION ON REGRET - you are focused on what you could have done better in the past and do not notice at all what you can do now 14. “What if I disgrace myself?” - WHAT IF... - you ask yourself questions from the series “what would happen if...”, but the answers never bring you satisfaction.15. “I’m constantly angry with him, does that mean I don’t love him?” - EMOTIONAL RATIONALE - you are guided by feelings when you evaluate real events.16. "Is it impossible to love me?" - INABILITY TO REFUTATION - you reject any arguments that run counter to your thoughts, even if in fact they love you. These thoughts often become so ingrained in our brains that they become a part of us. We may not even notice them, or notice them, but consider them absolutely normal, even if they prevent us from living life to the fullest, bring unpleasant feelings and spoil relationships with loved ones. Try to “catch yourself thinking” more often and think how distorted and irrational they are.