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Military actions in different parts of the Earth cause tension, tension and panic in society. This situation can lead to psychological trauma not only for those people who are in the combat zone, but also those who are far away, but at the same time react very vividly emotionally to what is happening. In such situations, it is very important to first of all show concern for yourself! We cannot control what is happening in the world, but everyone can take care of their condition and space near. I recommend watching the news in doses, do it no more than 3 times a day. Your energy is needed first of all by you and your loved ones; redirect it from the external space to your internal space (personal and closest environment). A person can only control what happens to him personally. Therefore, focus on yourself. Your feelings and experiences are in your area of ​​personal responsibility. Give yourself permission to express your emotions. An emotion can be expressed using sound (shout, sing), it can be drawn, written down, spoken. You can imagine an emotion in the form of an image that it resembles; this image can be anything. For example, anger can be like a volcano. Allow the image, in the zone of your imagination, to express all your anger until the image disappears or transforms into something calmer. Your body. Take care of his comfort. Wear clothes that are pleasant to you, take a shower or lie in the bath, listen to his natural needs for food, sleep, and rest. It is important not to forget about physical activity: walking, fitness classes, yoga, swimming. A warm blanket or blanket that you can wrap yourself in and relax is very soothing and helps you feel safe. Your breath. If you are in a state of severe anxiety, fear, or panic, it is important to focus on your breathing. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. In this case, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. During a panic attack, breathing into a bag or palms helps, as well as switching attention. Your actions. Do things that help you calm down and distract yourself. This could be routine chores around the house, everyday work, conversations with friends. If possible, minimize stress factors, do not overwork. Your thoughts. Try to think about the present moment, no one knows what will happen in the future and recent events are proof of this. If you are drawing scary pictures in your head, it is better to sit down and draw up a plan of action in various possible situations of events. Assess how realistic they are in percentage terms. Before volunteering, listen to yourself, feel whether you have the resources for this. Think about yourself and your loved ones, whether you and them need help at the moment. The ability to think sensibly and not give in to panic is what is important at this moment in time. Let's remember and write in the comments words that contain “peace” at their root, and words that are associated with this word, synonyms.© Svetlana Skromova 2024 Recruitment in progress for the T-game “My Potential” (starts on July 14) and the marathon “From Dreams to Goals” (starts on July 22). The next set will only be in the fall. Up-to-date information about consultations and group programs can be found on my website.