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A smooth path lies before you. So why did you scatter stones on it yourself? Folk wisdom. What to do when you sincerely want to make something good out of your life, change it for the better, but you still can’t do it? Why, as soon as we are inspired by our positive intention to change something in our lives, we stop as soon as we encounter obstacles? And even if we had the strength not only to start, but also to continue, then in the middle of the path, all sorts of doubts inevitably begin to gnaw, undermining our enthusiasm, energy and our best intentions. At this moment, some internal mechanism is triggered, which prompts us to stop, turn away, hide from the tasks that arise on our way. We get the feeling that the “internal brakes” that we have no control over have been activated again. And each person explains this in his own way, and since we are all unique, they - these “internal brakes” - have many masks. So what is THIS and is it still possible to control it? In fact, the mechanism is quite simple, understandable and controllable if you understand it and understand which button is triggered and at what moment. And there are only three of them - internal resistance, limiting beliefs, fear. How might this look like in everyday life? For example, if you decide to start searching for and creating your favorite business, then it is likely that your internal resistance will cause a state of apathy, i.e., persistently maintain your inertial movement in a well-worn rut and not allow You need to change something in life. Your fears will intensify and multiply, undermining your faith in yourself and your strength. Your beliefs will hold you back from doing something unconventional or not meeting the expectations of others. How will you know what it is? What to do about it? When you once again convince yourself that an economic crisis is approaching again in the country and now is not the best time to change jobs; when you again persuade yourself to do something more important than finding your favorite thing; when you, citing a lack of time or money, put off attending the training courses you need; when you once again experience a feeling of anxiety at the thought of starting your own business - these are the works of your internal resistance. Resistance makes us inert, apathetic or restless. That is, in essence, we avoid actions that we must take. And the most reliable tool for correcting the situation will be self-discipline, self-motivation, and the development of promotional habits. If you are convinced that you have no right to make a mistake, and if this happens, then your family will never forgive or understand you; if you believe that those born to crawl cannot fly; if you have come to terms with the fact that everything in life is not easy for you, through great difficulties and obstacles, and in general you are an unlucky person; If you are convinced that your hobby will never become a profitable business, then this is exactly how limiting beliefs work. Many of them are formed in childhood under the influence of parents, teachers, and the media. But often, as adults, we ourselves create limiting beliefs as a result of negative experiences when we do not get the result we expected. The main problem with identifying our limiting beliefs is that we become so identified with them that we believe they are true. But the good news is that this is still possible! And the most valuable thing is to recognize and remove these barriers of consciousness by developing a more progressive way of thinking. If you are concerned that you may lose everything and spend the rest of your life in poverty, if you do not dare to break off a relationship that has long oppressed you; if you are afraid to go to interviews, look stupid, be a “black sheep” in a team, if you are haunted by the thought “what if I don’t succeed?”, then this is your fear, which can be overcome only by starting to do what you are afraid of . Yes, yes, only this way and no other way. Just do it. And now,.