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The biggest problem for me was taking the first step. And then the second... The third... Fear of new beginnings - the border between familiar life and new experience. This was my big problem! I love to gain new knowledge and skills - I am guided by the rule: “You can’t know (in my case, be able to) everything in the world, but you can do a lot.” I get pleasure from realizing that I can do “this.” Various courses and trainings, studying at which pleased me with new skills, results and opportunities. Wasted money and time... Inspiration from the future prospects of applying new knowledge... And then they tell you: “That’s all, your studies are over. Next, do it yourself. Monetize what you learn. Look for clients.” - How about yourself? What to do now with all this? How? What can I offer? What should I say? Who should I offer it to? How to do all this? - the brain simply explodes with questions. The body treacherously shrinks inside, the heart is ready to jump out of the chest. Inspiration hid in the far corner of consciousness. Just the thought that you need to offer your skill to the judgment of others, to declare yourself, compresses the throat, and the words are viscous they get stuck inside like a lump. Your temples are “tearing” from tension. Your soul sinks into your heels. You try to pull yourself together, but they treacherously betray you with small tremors. All the talk and beliefs that the situation is safe for life and health, that nothing bad will happen , even if it doesn’t work out, they seem nonsense and stupidity. Everything is burning inside and throwing you into a fever. Fear of doing something wrong, not right, making a mistake and making yourself look unprofessional (but it’s a shame to admit this), not being able to cope or hearing someone’s then “Fi...” to your work... All this makes you feel like a helpless child... And your family also looks at you with a silent question in their eyes: - “Well, when will you show us the promised millions?” - cause a feeling of guilt for the money spent and time stolen from them... You also owe them something... And I leave my determination until tomorrow. I tell myself: “I’m not ready yet...” And then I push it back for another day... And another week... - “I’ll read another book...” A month passes, two, three... Instead despair, anger, envy, despondency, helplessness come... You slowly begin to lose faith in yourself and your dream... This once happened in my life... And it’s painful and funny to remember... But with this problem clients come to me. Just do it and you will be released... The reason for these reactions is the psychological trauma of the student period. The teachers at our school, for the most part, were strict and shamed us in front of the whole class for mistakes. They shamed me so much that I wanted to sink into the ground, and then I was ashamed to raise my eyes, full of tears and despair. 32 people look at you and think to themselves that they have been blown away... Understanding how “terrible” you are, “unworthy” of respect, that you are a “disgrace” to your family... Nothing good will come of you, no matter what you what you're not good for in life. No, I don't blame them for that. I understand them now, in each parallel there are 4 classes, each of which has more than 30 people, lessons in two shifts and electives after - go and explain to each individual what he did not understand in class... Where did you get so much strength from? , and each of them also had a family, husbands and children who want attention. The consequences of such education of diligence affect throughout life. And if this trauma is left unattended, it becomes chronic and poisons life, forming a crooked prism of perception of oneself and life. Its facets are expressed in the “fear of mistakes,” fear of taking new steps and fear of self-expression, fear of having one’s own opinion. “Fear of mistakes” is a consequence of the fear suffered during student time. The fear of being rejected, offended, ridiculed, disgraced, and it also includes a feeling of guilt and shame for making a mistake. The body's reactions become automatic, that is, to thoughts about an upcoming event where a “mistake” is possible, they work on their own. These reactions are recorded in the body