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There are things necessary in a relationship. Of course, the partner must be liked. What causes chemistry between people remains a mystery. Chemistry is definitely part of a relationship though. There are “subtle” things that attract people to each other and we are not aware of them. For example:Women do not like the smell of men with the opposite Rh blood factor because it can cause stillbirth.The sense of smell is an amazing sense. It is closely related to emotions, including memory. Therefore, you find someone attractive for reasons that cannot always be stated. In a relationship, you need someone you can argue with because you need to solve difficult problems. If a person does not want to express his opinion, the solution to the problem lies entirely with you. And as you know... One head is good, but two are better. You need to find someone who is not like yourself, but not so different that there is nothing to talk about. It is desirable to have diverse interests and abilities. And also, the desire to express your opinion, then interest in each other will not fade away. There should be “tension” in a relationship. People think, “I want to get along with my partner,” but most likely they will soon get bored with this and begin to look for new experiences. Therefore, there should be a little tension in the relationship. For the chase to continue, the woman must run. The truth can be cruel. The ability to directly exchange opinions and tell each other the truth is necessary. This skill will build trust, since both will know that the partner is not hiding anything and speaks openly about what he thinks. Men are quite straightforward, therefore, it is better not to ask a question if you are not ready to hear the truth. A man tells the truth, which can offend a woman, but if to the question - “How do I look?”, he answered - “Wonderful.”, then she can be sure that it is so. But the truth also has its advantages. Truthful people are charismatic. The truth is sometimes discouraging, but it makes people interesting and trustworthy. This is the kind of partner you need: someone you can trust someone with whom you can make plans for the future someone you can negotiate with People have a hard time negotiating with each other because they must say what they think. They should say what they want and should be happy when they get what they want. We're not very good at being conscientious and negotiating, and we're even worse at discussing deeply personal things. How well do you allow your partner to get to know you? To truly talk about needs and desires requires trust. Attractiveness fades over time. It is impossible to remain 25 years old forever, this also needs to be understood. And we need to work on this. Take care of your body and health. Spontaneity in Relationships If you think that all romantic interactions should be spontaneous, you don't have realistic expectations. When you are married, returning home from work, where children are waiting for you and want attention, then you are so busy that the time for spontaneous interaction tends to zero. You need to make time for each other When you meet, when you are just starting a relationship, you put in This requires some effort: you have lunch in a cafe, dress nicely to impress each other, hope for continuation, want to be liked. But then people think that if they are married, then there is no need to make any effort. It is not right. In marriage, you need to put in even more effort. To maintain a good relationship, you need to communicate with your partner. You must be aware of his thoughts and experiences. Your discussion will be intertwined like the threads of one rope. You need to devote time to intimacy. If you cannot discuss intimate issues, this is a disaster. If there is no intimate life, then part of you will die and part of the relationship will also die. On the one hand, you have to endure, because this is your marriage. But on the other hand, you are experiencing a strong internal conflict. You are going to let the intimate sphere of your life simply fade away because you do not want to hurt yourself unnecessary.