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1. Core Beliefs About Yourself If you have GAD, there's a good chance you have negative beliefs about yourself. I'm weak, I'm incapable, I can't cope, I'm stupid, I'm unattractive, etc. The most common fear in people with GAD is the fear of making mistakes. If you have it, this is a clear marker of what your deepest belief about yourself is. If I make a mistake, it will prove that I am.... It will prove that I am worthless, stupid, weak, substitute yours. Another marker by which you can calculate negative beliefs about yourself is rejection. If I get dumped or I'm left alone, it will prove that I.... Uninteresting, boring, disgusting, substitute yours. You can also study situations in which you have negative emotions and think about what they say about you as a person. If you have been subscribed to my channel for a long time, then you know very well that these beliefs are cognitive distortions - labeling. They need to be challenged and a new idea of ​​oneself formed. A rational answer is formed something like this: The fact that I was mistaken does not prove that I am stupid, because all people make mistakes and in that case all people would be stupid. My mistake only says that I didn’t succeed this time, but it doesn’t speak in any way about my personality and what will work out in the future. Thanks to a mistake, I can see my gaps and close them, learn something new, acquire a new skill, develop. I learn through mistakes. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes, but I do and mistakes are inevitable. One mistake cannot tell you about my level of intelligence. Now I overgeneralize and judge myself based on only 1 or a few situations. In reality, I had a lot of situations where I showed my best side, where I showed my intelligence and intelligence. For example, in the situation 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. (your task is to find 10 situations or arguments why you are not stupid. You can give approximately this rational answer when you have negative thoughts about yourself. The second thing you need to do in order to change your self-image is to start translating into actions You must have real support for what you are talking about. If you say that you can cope with problems, you need to start doing this. Two lists of things for which you do not respect yourself will help you. express your opinion, remain silent, agree, agree to what you don’t want to do, don’t work, don’t have your own money, don’t play sports, etc. And a list of things for which you respect yourself, for example, for the ability to say no, the ability to decide. problems, take responsibility for learning foreign languages, etc. Your task is to minimize the list of things where you lose self-respect and increase the list for which you are proud of yourself. You can read more here - https://www. b17.ru/article/393244/2. Core Beliefs About the WorldThe world for people with GAD appears full of danger and uncertainty. You always need to be on guard, otherwise disaster will happen. Here, the main cognitive distortion that needs to be worked with is catastrophizing. For example, your partner began to stay late after work and you explain this by saying that something happened to him. Crashed in a car accident, attacked by bandits, robbed, beaten, cheating on you or has already abandoned you. You immediately notice that the world is threatening. It’s dangerous to be in the world, you can get sick, get hit by a car, be beaten, robbed, your house can burn down, all your money will be lost and you can’t survive in this world at all. On the one hand, your beliefs are true. The world is really not the safest place; on the other hand, you are exaggerating the real threat to the world. For example, you are afraid to take a shower because you might slip and hit your head. How likely is this to happen? If your fear is very strong, the probability will go through the roof. But if we pay attention to experience, if you slipped, then it was a couple of times and judging by the fact that you are still alive, not so much andinjured. The first thing you need to do is understand the real threat to the world. If your partner comes home safe and sound every day, how likely is it that he was beaten? What is the probability of other outcomes of events? What else could have happened? For example, your partner was not beaten, but was detained at work, or he decided to go into the store and do something nice for you? This is the first part of your rational answer. The second part includes “and even if...”. In the previous article we learned how to solve problems. We will use this skill here. Let's really say that your partner was robbed and beaten. What can be done in this situation? You can remove the beatings, seek medical help and write a statement. Regarding money, it’s worth thinking about this in advance. “If I/my partner gets robbed, it will be unpleasant, but not fatal. We have a safety net and even if we lose money, we can live on savings for a while.” You can read about this technique in the previous article about GAD - https:/ /www.b17.ru/article/422073/And the rational answer all together: I don’t know why my partner is late. Perhaps he was delayed at work, perhaps he got stuck in a traffic jam, perhaps he went into a store, perhaps he met an acquaintance and started talking. There can be many reasons for being late. And this does not mean that he is in trouble. And even if something bad happened to him. For example, he was robbed. This is definitely an unpleasant situation. He is probably writing a statement now, which is why he is delayed. In this situation, you can rely on law enforcement agencies. We also have a certain reserve of money on which we will live, and I also have a job where I will soon be given an advance. Even if our money runs out, we can always ask our loved ones for help, borrow money, and then pay it back. As a last resort, hand over something and buy it back when the money comes. Even if the attacker is not found, it is no longer in our control area. We did everything that depended on us and this already makes me feel calmer. I did not sit idly by and made every attempt to resolve the situation and for that I can be proud of myself.3. Negative ideas about other peopleYou expect dirty tricks from other people. That they will be critical of you, reject you, make fun of you. Ideally, I have already outlined this topic in these articles, you can read them - https://www.b17.ru/article/379780/https://www.b17.ru/article/414478/4. Negative ideas about errors I also had articles about this, you can read them here - https://www.b17.ru/article/416991/https://www.b17.ru/article/386462/In short - “I should and I may be wrong, because all people make mistakes, this is a normal part of life and the only way to learn something new. 5. Beliefs about anxiety and anxiety You think that anxiety is something terrible and unbearable. That you should not experience anxiety from. we need to get rid of it quickly. This is also fundamentally wrong. Articles on this topic are here - https://www.b17.ru/article/423173/https://www.b17.ru/article/406872/https://www. b17.ru/blog/335026/You may also think that worry helps you. Rational thoughts in this case: My worry does not help me solve problems better, but on the contrary, it makes me tired and takes away the strength to solve it. It also prevents me from identifying real ones. dangers. Because of it, I see threats everywhere, even where there are none. I will not regret worrying if I get rid of it. It does not give me the motivation to solve problems, I could calmly solve them without it. It doesn't make me responsible. I can take responsibility for my actions and without fear of messing up.6. Negative attitude towards uncertainty You believe that uncertainty is something terrible and strive to eliminate this uncertainty as quickly as possible. Get everything under control and in order. In reality, uncertainty is inevitable and you need to learn to live with it. Articles on this topic - https://www.b17.ru/article/415353/https://www.b17.ru/article/413040/https://www. b17.ru/article/408169/Useful thoughts - I may not know what to do and.