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From the author: Regression therapy is becoming increasingly popular. This is a unique method of knowing yourself, the world in yourself and yourself in the world. This is not magic, not hypnosis. This is a completely clear and scientifically developed method. I invite you! I want to share another story about a journey into past lives. Request: a girl spends her whole life pushing herself and her interests further away. “Everyone except me” is her motto in life. At the same time, a huge amount of aggression and anger accumulates. Which there is no way out. Because the parents said: “You can’t, you have to be obedient and comfortable.” Aggression spills out in sarcasm in relationships with people, in a constantly sore throat, in emotional breakdowns due to bullying. And the girl wants to understand whether there is an opportunity to change the situation, whether she can become the main thing in your life, what you need to do in order to defend your interests and believe in your strength. I must say, this is Her third journey into past lives, and this time we went further, from the past life we ​​went into the space of the Soul’s life between lives. And in every past life she lives either without parents or her parents don’t need her. So: the cloud of time slowly descends, dissolves .. and .. where are you.. “I’m sitting on a tree, wow, it’s huge.. it’s standing in a field.. and the field is huge. .. there are some gray boulders lying around.. and it’s cloudy and cold.. I’m a girl about 5 years old.. I’m a cheerful and happy kid.. I’m like a homeless child.. no.. it’s just that no one is interested in me and I can do what I want, I can go wherever I want and that makes me feel free. I’m wearing some kind of rags and I’m grimy.. I’m cold and running home.. I’m home.. it’s a big house, probably some kind of castle or estate... there’s a big kitchen there. I'm running there. There's a fire burning there, it's warm, cozy, the food smells delicious and I'm hungry. The cook is looking after me. She has big soft hands and I see an apron on her. She kneads the dough and looks at me with kind eyes. (This is my mother in current life, it seems). The cook wipes her hands and pours a bowl of some simple stew. I quickly eat and run off for a walk again... I also have an older brother... but for some reason he’s not around, I miss him and I miss his protection. It seems he is either in college or studying somewhere else." The next important moment in life:..." I am again on this tree, this is my refuge, my nest. Now I’m 12 years old, my brother is nearby and I love him very much. We are sitting on a tree together. But I'm not having fun. I’m kind of scared.. I now know who I am.. the estate belongs to my father, who died before I was born. Mom also died very early. My father's younger brother took custody of us. But he didn’t need us... he took full possession of the estate... we spent our whole lives in the kitchen... my brother and I are sitting and thinking about what we should do. I feel complete hopelessness. What can we do? We don't have a lawyer, we don't have money, we're children. . But my brother thinks that we must fight! I don’t feel anything but tiredness. I don’t believe it and my hands have given up.” The next important day: “I’m 15, I’m well dressed, I’m a fairly mature girl, and my brother and I are in the notary’s office, and our uncle is there too. He is so self-confident, self-satisfied, we are insects to him, he will trample on us and not notice. I'm very scared, I want to run away. But I can't leave my brother. The will is announced. For some reason I know for sure that the estate should be assigned to me. But I hear that everything goes to my uncle. I understand that this is a lie and bribery, and a terrible aggression rises in me, I want to scatter all the papers on the table, punch my uncle in the face, I want to scream that he is a Thief!! But... I'm afraid... and my brother is silent... we're leaving like beaten dogs! I'm furious!! We go to the kitchen.. and our nanny is sitting in the company of some person.. this is a lawyer!!! It turns out she hired him with her savings!!! He will help us!! Finally, at least one adult in my life can stand up for me!!! We come to the notary the next day, I am overwhelmed with energy. And I give it free rein. I throw the papers on the floor, throw the words of truth into my uncle’s smug face and watch how he changes!! We won!! I won!! I!