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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” The topic of betrayal is a very painful topic! How to forgive betrayal? Some people who find themselves in this situation ask themselves this question, while others do not even want to think about the fact that this can be forgiven. They see only one path - revenge! This is everyone's right to choose. But let’s reason and call for help the analysis of our language, our speech, since our language is determined by our unconscious. To forgive in Russian means to simplify. We forgive so that life becomes easier, simpler. Revenge from the word interfere, mix, complicate, mix And V.I. Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary tells us: REVENGE, -sya; vindictive, etc., see place.; REVENGE imm. or take revenge by sitting. eastern in the third person, to seem, to seem, to see, to wonder, to daydream, to daydream, to dream. Something took revenge on me in the night. You never know what takes revenge in a dream. He got revenge again. It took revenge on me as if someone had entered. Did it suit you, or what? What didn’t cross my mind in the heat of the moment. | Revenge? Kaz. strive, mark. Treason from the word change Occurs when the relationship cannot remain the same. The first question that needs to be asked in this situation: “What is it about your relationship that cannot remain the way it is? What should be changed?” The translation of the word betrayal from English is a leap to the side. Treason is a violation of the unspoken agreement that exists between a man and a woman. Second question: “Do you believe that a person in his life can change? Capable of spiritual growth?” Betrayal is to betray, to hand over (sometimes this is the only way to get out of a stalemate). Let’s remember the Bible. The fateful day in the life of Judas was the day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Later we began to call it Easter. At the end of the day there was a meal where Christ and his disciples were present. We all know how that fateful supper ended. But notice the dialogue between Jesus and his most faithful disciple, Judas. Regarding him, another Catholic religion interpreted the act of Judas as a feat. Christ said that for the prophecy to come true, it is necessary for someone to betray him. And Jesus chose his best of the best disciples. Taking upon himself a name that was to be cursed for centuries, Judas made a prophet - a prophet! Any event is interpreted from the point of view of the benefits of one side or the other. Everything in the world is relative. The main approach in Christianity is forgiveness. When you are hit on one cheek, turn the other. Usually, when working with a situation of forgiveness, a person goes through the following stages, which, according to psychologists, are inevitable and necessarily follow one after another: Denial. We deny that the husband (wife) is walking. Later, analyzing the previous situation, we are surprised that we did not notice banal things and did not even believe in the opinions of others! Aggression. Everyone experiences this stage differently. Some are obvious and violent, while others experience auto-aggression (directed inwards). Trade. We are looking for ways to come to an agreement either with another person or with ourselves, and perhaps with fate. Here it is important for us to believe in something. A person needs a point of support. Depression. We close ourselves off, go into the inner world, inner experiences. Acceptance of the inevitability. At this stage our attitude changes. We build a hierarchy of values. We acquire the will to further life and its changes. This is the happiest stage. Remember! Only common sense and an adult, mature position will help you go through all stages, and not get stuck in the intermediate ones! 1 step to forgiveness. Take the other person's position. To understand means to forgive step 2. Understanding that every person has both good and bad is the 3rd step. Determine your attachment, which manifests itself not only in relationships with your loved one, but also to other people, to your business, work... What type of attachment do you have? It is formed in childhood. Therefore, it will be easier for us to identify ourselves from the point of view of mother and baby.1. The mother comes out - the child cries, then calms down. Mom returns - the child is happy again.2. The mother comes out - the child does not calm down. Mom returns - baby…