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From the author: November is the time when we wake up and it’s dark outside, we leave work and it’s dark again. The absence of light seems to penetrate the soul, extinguishes the warmth and light, making us mope. November is the month of transition from Autumn to Winter. Short days fly by in a flash. It's good when it snows. Snow is the harbinger of Winter, and at the same time, in its crystal snowflakes it collects white light and makes dark evenings brighter. Of course, the blues also have their advantages. In psychology, this is called the tricky term Secondary benefits. I will talk about this interesting phenomenon later, in other notes. Now think about how you can make your life brighter? First, shhh..... listen to yourself. What do you need to be happy? What will make you happy in November? Make a list of 20 activities that bring you pleasure. If you want to have joy every day, then you should do something every day to create joy and pleasure. To love is a verb, as Stephen Covey said. Only actions can show and increase Love. Also enjoy life is also a verb, do something to enjoy life. Very small actions are enough, the main thing is to do them every day, and then in December you will remember your November with gratitude. I am offering you options for November Actions and would love to hear your suggestions. So, November is the time to: * light a candle or aroma lamp every evening. The aromas will warm and purify the air in the house, which will make it cozy, and at the same time prevent viral diseases.* You can set aside two or three hours for yourself to solemnly do nothing. Don't do anything. When you get bored, just ask yourself, what does my body want now? What nice things can I do for my body: stretch, stroke, stretch, give me water, take me outside for a walk. In gratitude, the body will relax and fill you with hormones of joy.* creating a magic wand for six wishes! And don't be surprised. If you follow the news of the group, you will understand that the creation of such sticks is quite possible. For according to your faith it will be given to you. You can create such a wand with the whole family, or by getting together with girlfriends and friends.* time to read new books. It was in the book that I got the idea of ​​creating a magic wand.* You can invite friends and watch a movie together. Play board games or crocodile with them. A useful game that helps you better express yourself and understand other people. * time to go through your closets, computer, get rid of unnecessary things in order to let in new things. From this action you can create a whole magical ritual to attract love, luck, money and prepare for the New Year.* You can draw and paint mandolas. And do it in a special way. Before you start drawing, create an intention within yourself: “I am drawing this mandola to increase luck in my life. As I color the mandola, I learn to notice the possibilities in my life.”* time to learn how to brew some unusual drink. Have you ever tried to make masala tea?* bake pies, with apples and more! After all, you need to drink massala with something.* And this is also a good time to plan the future. Try writing 100 of your wishes. Moreover, while you were drawing the mandala, your subconscious learned to notice opportunities.* time to learn something. Become more competent in your profession, hobby. And I almost forgot... Rejoice at the first snow and the arrival of Winter. Perhaps there is something you don’t understand, especially about magic and the subconscious. Follow the Studio's news and you will be able to find a lot of useful information for yourself. And if, nevertheless, the blues overcome you and, despite your actions, there is no feeling of happiness, then come to me for a consultation, for this write me a personal message. Sincerely, Lyudmila Melnichenko