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In one article about how we do not achieve success when we encounter problems at the very beginning of our journey, there was one interesting practice that is useful to everyone who often hears in their heads devaluing phrases, critical remarks, thanks to which self-doubt and their capabilities grow and we stop, never realizing our potential. We all, regardless of age, talent, knowledge and skills, need support in any of our endeavors. Support of others and of course yourself. This is an illusion that only the chosen, the talented, the special succeed. Everyone, absolutely all people, doubts. But not everyone stops, despite internal doubts and worries. What can you do for yourself so that you can hear not only a stuffy critic inside, but also a good friend? This practice will take you ten minutes. Every day in a calm, deserted place you will need to do the following. Think about your negative phrases and thoughts, the same ones that you hear inside yourself: 1. About yourself (for example: I’m bad, insecure, not successful enough, I won’t succeed and so on); 2. About others (he won’t help; they won’t succeed, and so on); 3. About the situation (a big difficult problem; an unsolvable task;). So tell yourself: now I want to think about everything that is negative and familiar to me today. Think negatively, and write all your thoughts in positive terms. For example: “I am confident that I will be able to do ....”, “they can,” “the situation is favorable.” Write mechanically without thinking too much. Don't take any lofty goals and thoughts, start doing it every day, thinking about everyday affairs. And of course, don’t forget to act. The essence of this exercise is that with negative thoughts we often stop ourselves without even trying to do something that can move us towards what we want. Forming positive thoughts helps when we take action. The second important point is regularity. Something that is often forgotten or overlooked. How many people stop after the first attempt, especially if it was not successful. Allow yourself to make mistakes, but move on. Make it your slogan.