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Regrets about the past greatly interfere with life for many people. In addition to the fact that a person suffers from missed opportunities of the past, he also does nothing in the present. Guilt and sadness overwhelm him too much. It is interesting that not only people for whom everything in life has turned out is not important in their opinion are subject to regrets. They also feel sorry for you, whom half the planet envy. Reasons for forming the habit of regret This habit can be formed for many reasons. Here are the most popular: Regrets are a long-standing family tradition. Absolutely everyone in the family regrets everything, no matter what happens. It’s easy to regret not only about the missed chance to get rich, but it’s also fashionable to regret that you didn’t buy mayonnaise on sale yesterday. And it seems that this is nonsense - a random phrase. But if there are many of them, they form a persistent pattern: no matter what happened, it could have been better. And this, of course, is worth regretting. Another long-standing family tradition is a ban on joy. It is dangerous to be happy, otherwise envious people will ruin the whole car, and you yourself will not be happy with your happiness. It’s a shame to rejoice because everyone around you is suffering. You can’t rejoice, because God will punish you. One is not supposed to rejoice on earth, only in heaven. The natural mental constitution of a person is melancholic. His set of initial data most easily allows him to grieve, blame and regret. The circumstances of life were such that the person became infected with deep guilt. Perhaps something happened that instilled this guilt. Maybe instilling guilt is also a tradition of upbringing. It may just be that a person once chose the strategy of blaming himself and nothing prompted him to change this strategy. What to do in order not to regret the past For people who are always regretting, there are a number of recommendations: Practice any gratitude exercises. For example - 5 evening thanks to life for the good things during the day. Or 100 thanks to yourself for making the right decisions. Regretful people greatly devalue everything they have. Therefore, life often only seems dull and dreary to them. Practices to develop gratitude help to remove the gray veil from your eyes. Learn to recognize your lack of power, your vulnerability. Regretful people suffer from a distorted God syndrome. It seems to them that they are almost a deity. Just a little stupid and ridiculous. For some reason, this deity constantly does everything to his own detriment, although he MAY not do it. Thinking this way, regretful people miss one important thing BUT. Every time they did something they later regretted, they simply COULD NOT do otherwise. Now they have become smarter, stronger and wiser, they have acquired skills. The only trouble is that that person from the past and the present person are practically two different people. They share the same experience. That is, in order to get rid of regrets, one must admit that it is impossible to be ready for everything at the moment and be able to do everything. Learn to get out of a state of despondency through willpower with the help of some individually selected practices, return to an emotionally equal state and from there motivate yourself to move forward. And so every time. Because the already established settings have become quite ingrained at an unconscious level. And in order to get out of a state of despondency, you still need to be able to track it. That is, do not stew in it for several days, but notice it at the very beginning, or even in advance. This can be done by studying your body's reactions and automatic thoughts, learning about your triggers. Learning to cope with fears of the present. Regrets often mask fears about goals in the present. While a person regrets that he did not become a director at 30, he will already be 35. He will relax and will already regret that he will never become a director. In the meantime, it’s very scary that you will still succeed in becoming a director. Why it’s scary is a separate topic of working on yourself. Learning to live in the moment “here and now.” While a person is stuck in the past and the experiences that are associated with it, he completely falls out of the “now” moment. Meanwhile, it is in the moment “here and now” that the person lives: 8-918-253-73-83