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It happens that we “lose” ourselves. This happens when something throws us off balance. Destruction of plans, quarrels, life itself with its changing circumstances. We are overwhelmed by our own emotions, we do and say what we don’t want, forgetting about what was important before us. As a result, we lose track of what is important to us and feel helpless about our lives. How can we be true to ourselves and deal with the things that throw us off balance? Strengthen your own resilience, develop the ability to cope with emotions, rather than fight them. Most often, we are “blown away” not so much by events (although this does happen), but by our emotional reaction to it. We can deny it (“No, I’m not offended at all”). At this moment, we are like little children - if I don’t see it, then it’s not there. And it exists. The longer we behave this way, the stronger the wave of emotional tsunami that covers us later. In order to be resilient to various events and remain yourself, you need to be attentive and respectful of your emotions. Recognize and accept them (“Yes, I am offended, I accept the offense and give it space”). Then emotions turn from uninvited robber guests into good friends for us. We no longer need to restrain them. We can direct the freed energy to solve the situation. At the same time, being true to your goals and values. Remaining yourself. More about management at webinars: https://www.b17.ru/my.php?mod=training