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The fear of losing confidence and support (understanding) from the environment limits a person from new beginnings and knowledge of his capabilities, forcing him to abandon his own path and his own dreams. Thus, for fear of losing confidence (in people, in the future, etc.), a person is afraid of losing the familiar order of things, the familiar algorithm of actions, the comfort zone (zone of confidence), where, although he is tired of living, everything is clear and familiar. It is Self-Belief that helps you take your path and make your true choice in any situation. There is nothing more terrible and senseless than remaining in a “wooden” case (coffin) of illusory doubts, other people’s assessments and experiences, outdated limiting attitudes, the usual algorithm of life. Self-confidence is knowledge about yourself as part of a single organism of the Universe, which allows you to rise above the logic of everyday life and a set of familiar rules of existence. Sometimes a lack of self-confidence prevents us from even starting to think about moving in our direction and working on ourselves, because we have tried and tried so many times........ Self-confidence, as a state, is a certain combination of a set of external environmental conditions and those manifested in these conditions of specific personality qualities that make it possible to predict and obtain the planned result (predictability). The Confidence Zone is an area in which a person, consciously or unconsciously, has, manifested to varying degrees, a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience that allows one to predict events and results (degree of predictability). Sources of Confidence Zones Family Family Intimate environment Personal experience Many people chase “confidence in the future” day" thinking that they are moving towards success, not understanding and not seeing the traps. If you are 100% sure of how your tomorrow will go, your individuality, creativity and zest for life are dead!!!!!!!!! And you are farther than ever from true Success! Many don’t even think about who assigned them the criteria for success, and continue to strive for someone else’s model of success, building a career, meeting the standards of a profession, beauty or relationships, sometimes spending their entire lives on this, but never receiving satisfaction. This is a pursuit of the ghost of Success. Criteria for success: Internal basis Belief in yourself Influence and control Personal freedom of choice and responsibility for your path and result, full influence and control, the ability to change directions of movement. Aliens Internal basis Confidence in outside guarantees (experience) Influence and management Choice from a limited number of development path options, because the main influence on the result and achievement of the desired comes from those who set the criteria for Success, and is possible only if the established criteria are met and the set of conditions met!! By gaining Faith in Oneself, a person easily achieves Real Success when a person does what he really does he wants to do business and this brings him, in addition to moral satisfaction, the desired material reward. In this case, the Person is checked only by those criteria of success that correspond to his internal aspirations.!!=6221