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From the author: About the search for a soul mate and the absolute pointlessness of this activity. My new client or client is sitting in a chair - he/she is smart, successful, realized. He/she either ended a previous relationship or never had one. Some of them are shy, some are tired, some are doubtful, but most answer with hope that the purpose of their work with a psychologist is to find a soul mate. It is difficult to imagine a more meaningless activity than finding your soul mate. The only thing worse than that is waiting for real life (we’ll talk about that someday too). For now, let's get back to the search. The search itself is a good thing, you can look for the meaning of life, a good job, and finally, amber on the Baltic seashore. But to look for the other half... Usually at this moment an image appears in the psychologist’s head: two disabled people - one without a right leg, and the other with his left, support each other with the help of hands and crutches. What if one doesn’t have a right hand, and the other doesn’t have a left? And only two eyes for two, and two ears... A terrible picture, isn’t it? When you start asking about the notorious half, where the client got this idea in his head, most immediately remember Plato with his myth about hermaphrodites. Who were separated by fate in the person of cruel gods, and since then they have been wandering around the world in search of each other. But in reality the story looked a little different. From reliable sources, that is, from the author himself, it is known that hermaphrodites in one body were either M and F, or M and M, or F and F. Therefore, M needs F, and in special cases M seeks M, and F lives cannot live without J. Probably, all these complex relationships were needed by the great Greek philosopher to explain his orientation, unsanctified by the church and the ideology of our state. The price is quite expensive so that two and a half thousand years later, adults and intelligent people would look for partners for life based on the principle of their own inferiority. But, thank God, the clients are initially mentally and physically intact. They have two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, a pair of lungs and kidneys, and therefore, after some time after the start of therapy, they suddenly begin to realize that they no longer need such a cozy, hypnotic tale about a lost soul mate. They dream of meeting a person with whom, perhaps, after some time they will want to wake up together, and maybe even live happily ever after. Published by http://she.ngs.ru/blogs/more/1814221/