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STORY IN THE FLOWER BED (Correctional adult fairy tale, request: internal assessment of oneself, independent of others) Author Balandina O.S. There were different plants living in one large garden. There were tall trees, low lush bushes, juicy vegetables, and beautiful flowers. The sun gave everyone its warmth equally, the water nourished, and the breeze entertained with stories of travel. The decoration of the garden was a large flower bed. The flowers were large and small, bright and delicate, tall and creeping along the ground. I, Young Flower, lived among them. I had a flexible stem and an unopened soft green bud. At first glance, I seemed fragile, but if you looked closely, you could see how steadfastly I withstand the gusts of wind, how tightly my roots hold on to the ground, and how confidently I reach for the sun. Other flowers in the flowerbed often discussed me and said different things .- You haven’t been blooming for a long time! It's high time you showed us who you are. Everyone has blossomed, and you are showing off! – said old Petunia. “You’re kind of plain.” Look, the stem is thin, and you can’t tell what color the bud is,” added the capricious Rose. “Listen to what the older, experienced flowers tell you.” “You should stop reaching up like that, don’t stick your head out, otherwise you’ll get yourself into trouble,” Georgin advised. I listened to everyone and tried to please everyone at once. I thought: “I’m still so young, the elders know better, they are more experienced, they know more. Perhaps I should duck down? Or maybe I shouldn't open up? Or should you modestly open the bud so as not to stand out?” These thoughts sometimes made me sad and still did not dare to open my petals. One night I had a dream. The Flower Fairy flew to me and said: - You are the most beautiful creation, what is stopping you? You have the desire to grow, and not everyone has that. Believe in yourself, in your strength. Don't pay attention to what others say. Others were once also young flowers, and there was a time when they, too, opened their buds. And each one was special and unique. Everyone had their own experience, and you will have yours. Listen to yourself, your heart. You have as much time as you need. In the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt extraordinary joy. The summer rain washed away the remnants of sleep, a ray of sunshine touched my bud. I felt the Power rising from the roots up the stem to the closed petals. I could not and did not want to resist this Power. The bud began to open and turned into a beautiful flower with delicate petals. The neighbors in the flowerbed gasped in surprise and fell silent. And a minute later they all started saying at once: “Well, well, the petals could be fuller and brighter,” Rose commented with disappointment. “Your stem is too long, too...” Dahlia grumbled dissatisfied. “Oh, young people.” , well, why are you so capricious? – Petunia grumpily condemned. I listened to myself – their words only made me smile, and I answered: “Now I myself know what is good for me.” I feel the Strength within myself and understand that I am happy because I listen to my heart and trust myself. And I will always do this! I raised my head to the sun and exposed my face to the warm rays. An inner voice told me: “Grow up!”, and I joyfully stretched upward with all my might. And only out of the corner of my ear did I hear a friendly “Oh!” coming from the flowerbed. And the higher I rose towards the sun, the quieter the voices of others were heard, and at some point they disappeared altogether. My soul was light and joyful. I smiled at the World. And the World greeted me with a swarm of striped bees that flew to meet me.