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From the author: This map can be used in the joint work of a school psychologist and the class teacher. Psychological map of motivation for personal growth Suleymanova N.I. Map of motivation for personal growth was first used when working with members of the youth club “New Civilization” "in 1997-1999, then at the MAOUUDOD "CDT "Khibiny" in the city of Kirovsk in the theater-studio Inspiration" (teacher DO Khobotova S.V.). With the help of this card, students evaluate themselves, receive ratings from friends, teacher and people significant to you, which helps: - compare assessment and self-esteem; - see your resourceful personality traits; - identify personality traits that create problems when integrating into society; - develop a map of self-education and understand when and why you need help from more competent people .Criteria of good manners are socially significant qualities of a mentally healthy person, selected by the author from various theories of personality. Indicators are self-esteem and assessment of friends, teachers, significant people. The result of working with the card is an individual program for motivating personal growth.. This card is a pedagogical toolkit, in in the practice of work of a psychologist, its validity has not been studied. Methods of work Working with a psychological map of personal growth, each student in the graduating educational group gets acquainted with personality qualities and their definitions and sets himself a self-assessment on a five-point system: 0 - absent; 1 – manifests itself only in relation to close people; 2 – appears occasionally; 3 – appears only “in public”; 4 – manifests itself in most actions; 5 – always manifests itself After parents, teachers, friends, and significant others give grades, the average score is calculated. It conventionally shows the severity of certain socially significant qualities manifested in behavior. This allows the teacher to begin a dialogue that: - our self-esteem and other people’s assessment of us may differ; - friends, parents, teachers, people significant to us can give advice , what qualities help in life, and which can limit our ability to achieve success; - what qualities are resourceful for this or that graduate, on which he can rely in life; - why certain qualities can cause failures in life; - how to compose program of self-development and personal growth. For example, Sasha D., based on the results of filling out the card, shows himself to be balanced, with developed self-control, creative, responsible, independent, reliable, modest, hardworking, enthusiastic, friendly person, with a developed cognitive interest, able to be attentive to people , realistically perceives life, is able to choose and defend his choice, manifests himself in behavior naturally, without hiding under the mask of a chosen image. At the same time, such personality traits as a rather low level of initiative and social activity, excessive egocentrism may prevent him from achieving success and selfishness, not always honest behavior, an insufficiently developed sense of humor, an unrealistic assessment of one’s capabilities and a lack of desire to work on oneself. This characteristic can be worked with, since it is collective, reflects the opinion of several different, but at the same time, significant people for him .The second step is that the student fills out two tables: my resources / my limitations, which helps him once again understand and experience the information about himself received from significant people. The third step is that significant people write him wishes for drawing up a personal growth program, which he can take into account or ignore The fourth step is drawing up a personal growth program. The provisions of the personal growth program can be different; they appear as a result of an individual interview based on the results of this diagnosis. For example, “Today I can’t...”, “I’m worried about my relationship with...”, etc. The right column reflects what work needs to be done in order to change the situation. The last column is the assessment of efforts by significant people. Instructions Rate by