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Are you breathing air? Congratulations, you are a slave! Just kidding) Although...I damn well want to consider myself a free person! The essence of man is directed towards this state. But a person does not always understand that, at the limit, complete freedom means death. This is a state of human needs equal to zero. It is needs in the broadest sense that motivate people. The need for attention makes you preen for two hours, the need for security makes you get up in the morning and go to your least favorite or favorite job, the need for a feeling of satiety makes you stand in line at the supermarket, etc. Needs control you! You can influence the number of rooms in your apartment, but not the need for a roof over your head. The same thing with food, air, work. The question arises, who manages the needs? I understand... now you want to say: “I, I manage my needs!” And this is natural, you want to consider yourself a subject, the author of your life. I have to disappoint you... At best, you manage your needs by 1%. And most likely this “control” will be associated with regulating the amount, method or frequency of consumption of something - then, and not the actual choice. If you make a list of everything you do and consume during the day, and analyze what needs are behind your actions, you will be surprised at how simple and sometimes primitive they are. Well then makes up this symbolic 1% of the needs that you are able to actually manage? Up to this point, I spoke about the basic needs of a person, but there are also acquired, assimilated, imposed needs. They seem to be not needed, but they seem to be wanted. These are all kinds of social needs: status, recognition, belonging, etc. Here too you would like to say that here you choose exactly who I should communicate with, where to study and work, what to believe in (K. Jung imperceptibly smiles on the sidelines). Whom I communicate with determines your environment, where to study - your family opportunities, and faith, to be honest, I almost never met orthodox believers among our brothers, and playing at being believers - yes. The transition of a person from one social group to another is rather an exception. Often people, having left the root social group, stop, not being able to fully enter a new one. This is how they live between heaven and earth. In any case, there are levels of needs. Some in the form of basic needs, some in the form of opportunities. Throughout life, people are helped to start wanting something, and then fill their lives with satisfying these needs. From childhood, a person is, as it were, charged, programmed, given a vector, which, by the way, a person sometimes considers his destiny or his choice. A person without a huge number of needs is a rather useless and even dangerous creature for society. He is uncontrollable and useless. And if the “client is ripe,” then a paradoxical thing happens in a person’s life. The one who taught a person to want a lot suddenly begins to hint that he can deprive you of everything. The satisfaction of higher needs is linked to the satisfaction of basic needs. If you're an obedient girl, you'll get candy. And at this moment anxiety settles in you, and at this moment I want to put a semicolon and congratulate you on joining the ranks of the “servants of the system.” You become, as it were, objects of manipulation. The more secondary needs you have internalized, the more manipulated you are. If you don’t do this, we’ll take this, and if you don’t do this, you’ll lose this. Next comes the connection between “goodness” and candy. “Goodness” becomes a need in itself and a condition for acceptance into the pack group. Deprivation of opportunities to satisfy these new, imposed needs usually causes anxiety, anger, fear, destroys health, families, lives and opens the way to a psychologist’s office. Then you have two ways to relieve anxiety: 1) develop and reconsider everything, 2) continue to be a “slave to implanted needs” and roll neurotically in the rut indicated by the system. That!