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How to talk to a child correctly so that he obeys? Almost all parents face the problem of disobedience. And if you have children, you will understand me. Even if you are a successful parent. Many people understand that children who are too naughty are also not good. That this is how a child manifests himself as an individual, especially at a crisis age, and so on. But does that make it any easier? You need to put things in order, and you still have to discipline your beloved child. And so that this educational process does not turn into a nightmare for both of you, you need to learn and apply the following RULES: 1. An educational event should be prepared. Don't leave this important matter to chance. Spontaneity and spontaneity are not helpful to us. That is, choose the right moment to talk - when you are calm and your child is in a good mood. Case from practice: - How to cope with this child!!! – I have no more strength!!! He comes home from school, throws his things, hat in one direction, briefcase in the other, boots in the middle of the hallway! If grandma doesn’t clean it up or hang it up, it will all remain like this until the evening! Ugliness! - Really, it's a disgrace. How did you try to solve this problem? - How did you try?! I tell him!! I said it once, I said it twice! Nothing helps! Doesn't understand words! So. Emotions are a bad helper. Just calm, as Carlson said. “Inhale and exhale,” and other techniques. 2. Clearly define for yourself what you want from your child. And frame your goal positively. Not “so that you don’t scatter your things,” but “carefully hang them up and put them in their places.” That is, your task is: “Teach the child to order.” You also need to start the conversation correctly, move on to the next point. “Making Contact.” 3. Make sure that the child pays attention to you, so that he looks not at the computer, but at you. You can even sit in front of him if the child is small. Eyes at the same level. “There is contact!” It's good to use touch, such as holding his hand. Better yet, put your hand on your shoulder. This patronizing gesture establishes the correct chain of command. This is not always necessary, but depending on the circumstances. The main thing is to establish contact and make sure that you are being listened to. Then say something like this: “Bunny, I have a favor to ask you.” And a pause. This is very important because let him realize the importance of the moment. That his mother (father) is in front of him, and his mother is making a request. Then you calmly describe the situation. Try without judgment, just state the facts. And clearly, looking him in the eye, in a simple and understandable form for the child, you state your request. Finish everything off with something warm - a soft pat on the shoulder, a kiss. Let him not forget that you not only raise him, but also love him. The scheme is simple and can be used to suit your specific situation. How to apply the scheme in practice? So, how can you make sure that the child puts away his things, and then also washes the dishes, that is, helps his mother, as other well-mannered children do? Something like this. - Bunny, come to me, please. (If he is urgently occupied with something, wait it out if possible. Do not interrupt the game in the interesting middle. But when part of the game is over, be decisive. In any case, if the child is talking to you, he sees you, not the computer screen.) - The answer is silence. Or something like “...Well, now!..” - I’m waiting. (Wait calmly, but persistently, so that he understands that if you are waiting, then this is serious, and still it is better to hurry) - Well, what? - I have a request. Then you pause. To realize the importance of the moment. - In the hallway, your clothes are lying on the floor, and your briefcase is out of place. You/