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How to quarrel correctly? There can be many reasons why quarrels and conflicts arise in the family and they can relate to various areas of family life: interests, values, hobbies, relatives and friends, raising children, bad mood, problems at work. Families cannot exist without quarrels It happens. The main thing is how people get out of these situations. What are the main mistakes that occur during family quarrels?1. Spouses see each other as guilty and everyone tries to prove it2. Everyone wants to defend their rightness at all costs3. Quarrels usually occur at the peak of emotions. In this state, our brain cannot think through the situation in a balanced manner. Mental activity is inhibited, logic is dulled. Accordingly, it’s also not possible to say something substantively.4. Everyone builds a defensive position and includes defensive reactions (attacks in response or “builds a wall”)5. The conversation begins harshly. As a result, another quarrel may end in nothing, leave an unpleasant aftertaste for both spouses, and they will never come to a decision. What to do: 1. Soften the beginning of the conversation. Remember that your spouse is your loved one and you love him. Think that with harsh statements and criticism you can hurt him, offend him, and he will take a defensive position towards you. There will be no conversation. 2. Remove criticism. It is better to talk about the problem using messages that talk about what concerns you (I-messages). This will reduce tension. You can use humor - it helps to defuse the atmosphere. 3. If you are emotional, it is better to wait a little and calm down. And only then move on to conversation. 4. Unite together against the problem, not against each other. You are a family - people close to each other.5. Try to immediately find opportunities for reconciliation, give this opportunity to your spouse. In a family quarrel, what is important is not your victory, not your rightness. There are no right or wrong among you - there are different points of view on the situation. It is important to hear each other, to understand if you need to find a compromise. You shouldn’t turn your home into a battlefield, create and preserve peace! The article was taken from my blog on VK: https://vk.com/wall-186606034_34 I invite you to a consultation! To register, write to What'sApp: +7-937-847–44-37