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(when you are weak and think about death as the last drop of bitter wine/"Candle" Makarevich) Hypochondria refers to asthenodepressive states (mood). It is generated by the accumulation of stress and a feeling of the meaninglessness of one's own activities, disappointment in life . Symptoms Long-forgotten fears awaken anew, forming a whirlwind with a taste of “residual existence”, from which it is impossible to escape day or night. No arguments of reason reach a person in such a state: Beautifully described by Fyodor Tyutchev All attachments are broken, the mind has long taken on harsh rights, I look at life through an unbelieving eye...It's over! The head is turning grey. The question is resolved: work while you are good, and wait for death! She is not far away... Why are you, oh heart! are you not reconciled with your fate?.. What is your melancholy about? psychotherapy - a hypochondriac captured by his painful sensations and ideas is not at all a “vampire” or a “complainer looking for a vest for tears.” His condition should be considered not as the fault of a person who does not want to pull himself together, but as his misfortune. Falling under another classification - a functional disorder characterized by psychosomatic disintegration: - clogging of consciousness with oneself (switching the work of consciousness inside the body) - not only some unusual, unprecedented bodily sensations, but also banal changes in well-being are perceived as a probable “harbinger of the end, creeping steps a terrible beast that will take his life.” Change in the subjective world towards general distrust and suspicion: - heavy head - has a brain hemorrhage begun; weakness - is it a stroke?; - cold legs - does blood reach them?; - aching lower back - is any internal vein broken?; - a lump in the throat or behind the sternum - is it cancer? - loss of interest in work “reluctance to do things” - the patient himself regards excessive egocentrism of behavior for others as “the callousness of people who do not understand how bad he is.” The suspicion that something is wrong in the body is quickly replaced by confidence. That “there is, after all, something in him” and will definitely come out / over time / Neither healthy nor sick, such patients live in constant anticipation of a fatal illness or attack. The persistent search for material evidence of their fears forces them to be regular clients of doctors and regulars at hospitals “where they won’t let you die.” Treatment: Highly valuable hypochondriacal ideas and the fear of disability or death from illness disappear in these emotionally unstable people only along with painful sensations when the affective state is normalized in the process of adequate psychopharmacotherapy. The psychotherapeutic component of treatment includes any methods that make it possible to “pull” the patient’s consciousness from the depths of his body, to the outside .The most effective methods are behavioral psychotherapy and occupational therapy methods - it is work that is a “psychotherapist” that forces one to escape from painful experiences. As well as suggestive methods of controlled dissociation in dynamic cognitive processes, which leads to a gradual increase in criticality. My website and contacts: https://psihoteramed.net