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Part 2. Olson put forward three hypotheses based on the circular model: Families of balanced types moving through life cycle stages will function more adequately overall than unbalanced types. Dealing with situational stress or changes in life cycle tasks, families will modify closeness and adaptability to adapt to new circumstances. Balanced families do not mean that they will always function in the average range. A family can approach extremes when necessary, but when fixed in this position, its members experience psychological problems. Communication skills (empathy, listening, self-disclosure, negotiation skills, etc.) help maintain balance along these two dimensions. , enable balanced family types to change levels of intimacy and flexibility more easily than unbalanced types. On the contrary, extreme types of systems suffer from imperfect communication, which impedes movement towards balanced types and increases the likelihood of fixation in extreme positions. Olson also believes that when getting married, spouses often reproduce the structural type of the parental family system or sometimes try to create the opposite type. If spouses come from two very different family systems or prefer different types of family dynamics, it will be more difficult for them to develop a common style of relationship. During the courtship period, the couple demonstrates flexible unity in the relationship, a sense of intimacy, and a flexible style in leadership and decision-making. After marriage, the situation can be described as structured entanglement. They are structured because, compared to the courtship period, roles and leadership have become clearer. At the same time, the beginning of a loving couple's life together is characterized by a high degree of absorption of the partners with each other and emotional neglect. After the first year of marriage, the emotional intensity of the relationship with the partner decreases and the couple becomes more balanced. During the second year of life, a woman often becomes pregnant, and the relationship of the spouses acquires the character of flexible separation. Their roles become more flexible, the woman at this time focuses on the experience of pregnancy, and the husband puts more effort into work. The birth of a child puts the spouses into a state of chaotic unity, which is an important moment in the relationship of any couple. There are many changes happening in the family at this time and the couple is trying to adapt to the arrival of a new family member. Spouses feel more close to each other. Their lives pass in relative turmoil, they do not sleep at night, taking care of the child. The woman is usually forced to leave her job. Spouses very rarely go to visit friends, as they do not have enough time for this. Another year passes and the family’s life stabilizes. The wife is at home and enjoys the baby, she takes care of the child more than her husband, and he devotes a lot of energy to work. The cohesion of spouses decreases dramatically. They devote little time to each other and their closeness is low.