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Today it dawned on me - I realized what status the Internet occupies in human life: it is the status of a dream. And here’s why: The same spontaneity, independence of emerging information as in a dream. “Pop-up window” technology. The same emotional intensity - from erotic dreams to nightmares that seem real to us while watching. There is always the opportunity to “wake up” - returning to the offline world. Just like in a dream, you meet complete strangers , you are not living your life. Your status on the Internet is weightless, conditional and light, just like in a dream. You cannot touch it with your hands. The Internet gives the illusion of the immortality of the soul, which flies wherever it wants and sees what cannot be seen in normal mode. Just like in ordinary life, we are constantly “working on karma,” trying not to “spoil our obituary” by worrying about in our dreams, our mistakes and failures - also on the Internet, we are constantly working on creating a “digital monument” for ourselves, documenting our every sneeze and exit into the street. Just as in a dream, faces and images of old acquaintances and long-dead people pop up - also on the Internet we nothing has happened - we meet those whom we have not seen in person for a long time and those who are no longer in the world. Just like in a dream, we use the protective mechanisms of repression and replacement - on the Internet we can easily change a group or community that does not suit us with a similar one or ban someone we don't like. Blocking unwanted people is a pure repression mechanism. And one of the main mechanisms of sleep discovered by Freud is the agglutination (sticking together) of dissimilar images into one syncretic, illogical whole - this is what we deal with every day on the Internet, when the impressions of endless scrolling of the feed or viewing websites are glued together in our brains into one big, meaningless, inseparable lump. In a broad sense, the Internet is a reflection of the collective unconscious, basic human archetypes. That is why there is so much porn, violence and war and endless sales, sales, sales. Just as sleep is necessary for a full life and processing of daytime information, we also need the Internet to understand the reality, opportunities and threats of today. Just as sleep is necessary a certain number of hours, otherwise significant harm will be caused to health; you also need to spend a measured number of hours on the Internet, otherwise there will be problems with your head. But only a crazy or very illiterate person can mistake a dream for reality and for a guide to action - also don’t do it online be confused with offline and take a deepfake at face value, otherwise you might actually need a digital monument. So, what does it mean - if you dreamed about the Internet? The answer is given by a 21st century dream book: “Get access to the Internet in a dream.” Your dreams are destined to come true in the near future without any effort on your part.” In a dream, access the Internet “An unknown pleasure awaits you, which you will want to experience several more times.” Communicate with someone on the Internet "Such a dream warns you that you are too busy with your own affairs and therefore forget about the problems of your loved ones. If you do not become more attentive to your family, the situation may turn into a conflict. “If you quickly find information that interests you on the Internet.” Such a dream promises success in business and a quick solution to all problems and difficulties.” Communicating in a dream with friends using the Internet” Means that in reality you pay too little attention to communicating with friends and they you are offended. Write in the comments - do you dream about the Internet and in what form? Many different helping practices for survival and self-realization are in my new book “Navigator of Will. Helping practices for self-development".