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Love is a very complex feeling, perhaps the most difficult of all. Love, as you know, can be different - between a man and a woman, between a mother and a child... We are now talking about marital love. I think that if people live together, are married and somehow solve some problems together, get out of difficult life situations, then this creates a feeling of caring for each other, and this is good. In general, if both partners are committed to a long-term relationship and try to maintain it, then they are unlikely to break up over a trifle. The key to a strong marital relationship is the willingness to give more to your partner than you receive from him. The desire to care, support and do nice things for your spouse, without expecting anything in return, is the guarantor of family longevity. True, only in the case when both husband and wife take this position. But if one of the partners expects love, care and affection from the other, while believing that he himself should not provide such signs of attention at all, most likely, it will not last long. There are stages in the life cycle of a family and crises arise when the old model the relationship can no longer exist, or for some reason the partners are not satisfied. Most often, these are problems in communication between spouses, misunderstandings between them. For example, the birth of a child is a separate point in family life, and it is often a moment of crisis. The fact is that in our country the father is often removed from caring for the baby. This happens because it is believed that he does not know how to properly treat children. Because of this, all responsibility falls on the mother. This is not entirely correct. You need to understand that responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child lies with both. In this way, dad, who is included in the care, will no longer feel deprived of attention and not needed by his chosen one, and mom will have a free minute for a pleasant surprise for dad. Walking with your child, playing and having fun together can be a good way out of the situation. Mom can also benefit greatly from this - you can set aside some time for yourself, you can do what you love, go for a walk, or just lie on the couch with a book. Such methods will help rid the family of unnecessary reproaches and make the atmosphere in the family much calmer..