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To understand how to accept yourself, it is important to know how non-acceptance of yourself is formed. Example: a daughter dresses slowly, her mother irritably says to her - Why are you so slow, let’s hurry up! Or: a distant relative, in communication with the same girl, in order to fill an awkward pause, says - Why are you silent, you’re kind of boring! When a child is born , then he does not know what he is like, his ideas about himself are formed gradually, through communication and the reaction of his loved ones to him. And if this reaction is more often about non-acceptance and dissatisfaction (you are slow, you are boring), then, accordingly, the child also gets used to perceiving himself. That is. the child regularly hears remarks from those around her, which she interprets as the fact that something is wrong with her, that she is somehow different and those around her are unhappy with her. And gradually this becomes her reality - I’m not what I need to be. This is how non-acceptance of oneself is formed. And now the question is how to fix this, how to begin to accept oneself? Exactly the same way - through relationships with people who are able to accept us for who we are. Everything is very simple: when communicating with those who do not accept me, criticize me, devalue me, I get used to treating myself in the same way, and when communicating with those who respect, accept, support me, I get used to the fact that everything is fine with me and through this I begin to accept myself. The second question naturally arises - where to find such people? As practice has shown, there are no such people among your close circle, if there were, then the problem of not accepting yourself would not worry you. The option of finding an accepting partner (boyfriend, girl, friend) also has its own nuances - a person with healthy self-esteem who respects himself and others will find it difficult to withstand long-term close communication with a person who does not accept himself. But the option of turning to a psychologist, in my opinion, is the most suitable. Firstly, the psychologist himself has undergone his own personal therapy, received this experience of acceptance and is able to give it to the client. Secondly, in a relationship with a psychologist there are no other contexts and no personal interests that can interfere, unlike relationships with other people. Thirdly, the psychologist’s view of you is “not blurred,” which allows you to see the personality in you and notice all the good things that people from your close circle do not pay attention to. Ps: if my article was useful, I will be grateful if you click “say thank you” on the right under the article.