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We all want our children to grow up “respectable”, “polite”, independent, successful, etc. Every day we instruct them “on the true path,” hoping that he will not hurt his head on this “path.” We spend a lot of time on persuasion, threats, prohibitions, punishments. Especially “capable” parents descend to the level of blackmail and deception. All this, of course, in the name of a sincere desire for our child to be a virtuous and worthy member of society. And not surprisingly, in our modern information society, with its speed of receiving and processing information, it is not easy to retain in oneself the most important thing - the values ​​on the basis of which one acts man. In our age of information, values ​​and meanings burst into us in an unstoppable stream from movies, news, the Internet, even advertising. Something also quickly and rapidly retreats, something remains. Unfortunately, most of the “remaining” is the imposed thoughts and ideas of other people. And it no longer matters much whether these people are cynical or respectable, and with what intent these values ​​were introduced into the consciousness of the masses, whether they know what they are doing or are mistaken. Circumstances force us to live like this: you feel a need - you look for information - you satisfy the need. Briefly, preferably quickly and to the point. Critical thinking has no time not only for the ideas and actions of others, but even in relation to oneself. What is important now is the speed of obtaining information and its effectiveness. Our minds are cluttered with a huge amount of information, and our soul feels... oh, okay! And in general, what kind of phrase is this – “the soul feels”? Doesn't matter. Insignificant. In order to realize what is important to our children, we need to “look” into our inner world. And when we discover that we are not a “computer” for receiving and processing information, but that we have feelings inside us, a diverse range of feelings that make our lives bright and fulfilling. It is very important to talk about the value, moral and spiritual education of children. In my opinion, this is where our Russian society has greatly degraded over the past few decades. Any marginal country is experiencing a crisis, manifested in the loss of value guidelines and spiritual and moral education. But this concerns Russia first and foremost. The global restructuring of society in political, economic, psychological terms, plus the existing global restructuring of man in the ideological understanding of reality, could not but lead to chaos in value and spiritual-moral guidelines. Russian people found themselves in a “transitional age”, with its numerous upheavals and reorganizations. It is quite natural that in such a situation there is no time for “inner peace”. The once “cultural life” of society fell into decay. Values ​​also fell. Politics began to think only about itself, education ceased to engage in upbringing, artistic creativity refused to adhere to existing traditions, the face of society became impoverished and ceased to be expressive. What do our children need besides attention and love? In my opinion, the answer to this question is: they need an example of a “worthy”, “strong”, “smart” person. It is best if they receive this example from their parents. An example of a person who values ​​his life and all the richness of its manifestation, who values ​​his family, his profession, who treats other people and himself honestly. An example to people of high morality and culture. An example of a person who is not indifferent to his spiritual life. Now we live in a country where people are ruled by “bureaucrats” of all stripes. Judging by the economic well-being and psychological peace of our citizens, they are not very talented managers. And what could be worse than a person being out of place? For society, probably, the only thing worse could be war. However, I will not say that people with high moral principles and character have completely disappeared. They exist, and in recent years they have begun to appear in public more often. People are definitely talented and?