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Every person who experiences severe irritation or anger and splashes out their unpleasant emotions on loved ones has thought about this. Most often, the most acute conflicts occur in our closest circles. With our partner, parents, close friends, we stop restraining ourselves and sometimes show not the most pleasant sides. Such behavior can greatly worsen relationships that are significant to us. Anger is a basic human feeling that is of great importance from an evolutionary point of view. Most often, a feeling of anger arises for two reasons: either our boundaries are violated, or our needs are not met. Thus, anger is needed either for our protection or to achieve our desires. There are 4 degrees of anger: Irritation. We usually experience it when our boundaries are slightly violated. Anger. In most cases, it occurs in situations that are difficult to correct right now. When we are forced to endure something that causes us serious discomfort. Anger. Occurs when our needs are not met significantly. When we really wanted something, but we didn’t get it. Rage. It is especially often directed at everyone around and does not have a specific object. Feelings of anger release a lot of energy. Therefore, it is so important not to suppress this feeling, but to learn how to use it wisely. The most environmentally friendly way to experience feelings of anger is to use the resulting energy in some useful activity. But redirecting your anger into something constructive is often quite difficult. The first thing you need to do is be aware of the moments in which you get angry. Start acknowledging this feeling and calling it by its name. At this stage, various beliefs about anger can interfere: “only bad people get angry,” “it’s not good to be angry,” “no one likes evil people,” etc. Such beliefs must be changed and abandoned. The next step is to determine the cause of your anger. Consider which of your boundaries might be violated. Someone said hurtful things to you, used your things without permission, or something else. Or what needs of yours were not met: you were hungry, did not receive love from your partner, you were not thanked in response to a fulfilled request, etc. We learn to protect boundaries in healthy communication with people around us. And we try to fill unmet needs ourselves. Or living with powerlessness, if there is no way to satisfy them. An interesting way of working with anger is used in Emotional-Imaginative Therapy. To do this, this feeling must be presented in the form of some kind of image. This may be the first thing that comes to mind. For example, a huge black cloud with lightning and thunder. Next, the image is contemplated for 2-7 minutes until it begins to transform. The time required to change the image will be different for everyone. The exercise is considered completed when another picture appears in the imagination along with the thundercloud. For example, the sun will come out or the wind will blow and blow the cloud somewhere far away. Along with the transformation of the image, the person’s condition will also change. Book a consultation with me via Whats App or Telegram by phone number: +7-977-268-46-68