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Today we will talk about such an interesting and important phenomenon as the “Excellent student complex”. We've probably heard about this at some point, especially those of us who were active in our studies. But what is this complex and how can it affect our well-being in life?🏆 First, let's define the concept. The excellent student complex is a strong desire to always be the best, to stand out among others and to receive praise for one's successes. People suffering from this complex constantly strive to be the most successful without taking into account their capabilities and real achievements.🌟 At first glance, this may seem like a good quality, because the desire to be the best always motivates us to develop and achieve new heights. However, if the excellent student complex takes precedence over real needs and self-esteem, it can become a source of serious problems.🤔 The first thing that can suffer is our health. The desire to always be the best encourages excellent students to work extremely hard, not allowing themselves to rest and relax. This can lead to chronic fatigue, stress and even illness.❌ In addition, the excellent student complex can negatively affect our relationships with others. Constantly trying to stand out and control processes can cause irritation and anger in other people. As a result, we may find ourselves alone or become the subject of ridicule and discussion.✨ Finally, the results achieved do not always bring us joy and satisfaction. When we constantly strive for success without realizing our true desires and interests, we lose valuable moments in life. After all, it is important not only to achieve the goal, but also to enjoy the journey towards it.❗So how to avoid the negative consequences of the excellent student complex? First, it is important to learn to find a balance between ambition and self-esteem. The significance of our achievements should not be determined only by external recognition, but also by satisfying our own needs. In addition, we can develop our individuality and interests without being afraid to be ourselves. Our uniqueness lies not only in success, but also in our inner world, our values ​​and beliefs.💫 And remember, friends, success is not only external indicators, but also harmony with yourself. Be open to new opportunities, listen to yourself and learn to enjoy every step forward. Life is so amazing that sometimes it's important to just stop and enjoy the moment.✨ Happy life, friends! Let your path to success be accompanied not only by achievements, but also by deep satisfaction from every step. Remember that you are important and deserve to be happy! 😊 Sincerely, Elizaveta Mazuryak! 🌸Registration by phone +79640441301, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram or email [email protected].