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From the author: When your dreams become stronger than your fears, they will begin to come true. Fear is the denial of everything. Fear is a barrier to everything, everything that you so want to have and who you want to become. All a person’s achievements in spiritual development, in personal relationships, in work are the result of a certain thought, his consciousness, followed by actions and deeds. Our thoughts, our mood, emotions are our “servants”. They are submissive or obstinate. Man is their master, not a servant or a slave. And you cannot allow fear, hatred, envy, jealousy, anger to command you and pull you into the funnel of negativity. Emotion follows thought, and when you do not allow harmful thoughts into your mind, you will learn to control yourself and your emotions. The moment you allow your mood and emotions to control you, you open the “door” to the enemies of your health, success and happiness. If you once obey them, you will create a lot of problems for yourself before you even realize it. The body can reduce its resistance to disease due to the fact that people consolidate images of illnesses in their minds, but on the contrary, one should not allow the thought of one’s poor health for a moment, since everything a person thinks about, these mental images gradually take root in the subconscious and Over time, they will manifest themselves on the physical level. You must understand that our body is a self-healing mechanism. Remember that when a cut occurs, it heals itself after some time, and you know for sure that this will happen. The bones heal, bruises and abrasions go away on their own. The body renews itself every few years. Cells become new. Together with your subconscious, you can put all your organs in order. And this has already been proven. The same thing happens in any other area of ​​human life. When any problem appears, you need to be able to look at it as a natural signal that something is wrong with you, in your thinking and hence in your actions. You should not give other people such power that they can make you feel very irritated and angry. You are elevating them to the top and confirming their power over you. The power is in you. Fear can hinder your progress towards a happy life. Fear of changing jobs - “what if I don’t find another one”, fear of breaking up with someone with whom you have nothing in common - “what if I’m lonely”, etc. But everything can happen in the perfect, best way for you. You can find a job ten times better than the real one, you can meet people and be much happier. When you are able to get rid of fears, trust yourself and life itself, you will see how gradually everything around you begins to change for the better. You just need to really want and believe. After all, every person is given the freedom to choose his own thoughts, from which he creates his own reality. Regardless of your past, your failures and defeats, regardless of what is currently in your life, your reality can change only after you develop your new type of consciousness and feed it with good, positive energy. When you decide to change your thoughts, your consciousness, you will want to see your “fruits” very quickly, but if you pour clean water into a container with dirt, it will not immediately become clean. Everything happens gradually. But it will definitely happen. World-famous psychologist in the field of psychophysical medicine and human capabilities, Deepak Chopra, describes the 7 Laws of the Universe. I will not list them all, I will only say one thing: the Law of non-attachment. It is interpreted as follows: “If you want to achieve something, you must give up your attachment to what you want to achieve. You do not give up either intentions or from desires. You are simply firmly confident that everything you need will happen, but you are calm, you do not live in constant expectation. This non-attachment is based on absolute confidence in the power of your Self. "You are with your thoughts, with your consciousness.".