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ANXIETY is the most common feeling in our daily life. It's always about our feelings - anxiety, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, trembling, etc. There are several types of anxiety: GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) is when you live with the feeling “What if no one loves me” “What if he leaves me”, then all this happens and then the thought “What if I will always be alone” in general, always on guard that something will happen. Anxiety is focused on the mental level. OCD is intrusive thoughts about dangers (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) that lead to actions. For example: you know for sure that you turned off the lights, but you will come back several times during the day, check that nothing happened, that everything is turned off, and you will worry about it. Panic attacks are sudden attacks of anxiety that immediately appear in the body - heart, difficulty breathing, dizziness and thoughts that something unreal is about to happen. Helplessness appears that this will happen (catastrophe) and you will not help, since you do not have the strength. Over time, with repeated attacks, everything can turn into disorder and you will wait for these situations yourself. (Direct your perception) Hypochondria is when you do not understand what is happening in your body and immediately think that this can lead to illness, because of this you visit doctors more often. In general, if something hurts, it immediately means cancer, HIV, etc. Agoraphobia - sitting at home and fear of going out. You build your life in such a way that you know the route and walk along the well-trodden road, and God forbid you turn off the path and get lost. Social phobia is the fear of being criticized, judged, and rejected. And you start avoiding people, answering messages, fear of approaching someone, fear of dating, etc. But do not forget that all people have a feeling of fear and anxiety and this is normal. But the essence of anxious people lies in how they relate to anxiety and what meaning they attach to it. Techniques: 1) Acceptance techniques - accept your level of anxiety and not conflict with him. Understand what causes anxiety. Knowledge about your anxiety is necessary. The more clarity you have, the less anxiety. Ask yourself: “What is this feeling trying to teach me?” 2) Our emotional state is closely connected with the body. If we are tense, our muscles are also tense. And it is not always possible to determine which muscles are tense, so you need to “walk” throughout the body. What needs to be done? You need to tense certain muscle groups one by one for 5-8 seconds, then relax for 15-20 seconds and take 2 deep breaths. We repeat this chain 2-3 times for each muscle group. IMPORTANT: when one muscle group is tense, the rest of the body should be in a relaxed state. And it is important to monitor your breathing, not to hold it, but to breathe in your usual mode. 3) Switching method. For example, switch - take a cold shower, start breathing deeply, talk to someone, do some spring cleaning... The point of these actions is to force other areas of the brain to work in order to be distracted and less anxious. 4) Play out the worst case scenario. “What will happen if...” 1) Have your negative forecasts often come true? Is it possible that negative forecasting is your bad habit? 2) Describe your worst-case scenario or fantasy that frightens you. a) Describe the worst, best, and most likely scenario. b) Describe in detail the worst outcome that you fear. c) List all the negative events that must happen for your fear to become a reality. What is the probability that this will happen? d) List all the events that could prevent such negative consequences from occurring. What is the probability that this will happen? e) For 20 minutes every day, repeat the description of the worst-case scenario and imagine images associated with it. How do you feel during the process? 3)Write detailed