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Congratulations to everyone on the beginning of the new year! Happy beginning of the new working year. I’m already used to starting my year by writing: a vision - i.e. what do I want, say, in 5 years, goals for the year for each or several key areas of my life, plans for achieving them, so that you don’t make a mistake with setting goals and after a few years it doesn’t turn out that “the ladder you climbed for so long and with such difficulty is not there.” to that wall,” it would be good to start with an understanding of your values. First and foremost, it is worth separating “the wheat from the chaff” - your desires from the imposed ones. Why is this so important? I will explain. In order to achieve anything, you need to spend a lot of resources: time, effort, attention, money, and all together this is called energy or life. You spend part of your life on achieving any of your goals. If this is your true goal, then it really “warms” you, then after you achieve it, the energy expended will return to you a hundredfold. In this case, its implementation will make you feel more fulfilled, whole, and self-confident. This will allow you to set and achieve new goals - this is the secret of success. If the goal is not yours, but is dictated by society, or you became infected and adopted it from your environment: friends, a loved one, then most likely, upon achieving it, you will not return the energy spent on it and will find yourself in the red. At the end you will find yourself with a minus “energy balance”. This means that you will not have the resource to achieve the next goal. Of course, after a while the energy will accumulate and you will be able to take risks again, but without listening to yourself and learning what YOU WANT, and also learn to refuse to fulfill “programmed goals” or implement what other people expect from you (and usually they expect you to fulfill THEIR goals!), you will not be able to accumulate strength and find time to realize your own desires. Therefore, if you decide to start moving towards YOUR dreams, it’s time to: Write down a detailed vision, for example, for 5 years (if you need explanations on how to do this, write in the comments - I’ll post instructions on this topic) Get started (will not learn, not decide, namely START) give up what is NOT YOURS! - this way you will stop wasting energy and will be able to accumulate it to realize YOUR desires.