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Without a doubt, for many parents the question of how to help their baby get used to kindergarten faster is very important. After all, starting to attend a preschool institution is a great stress for most children, one might even say a test of strength, the strength of the nervous system and immunity. And if the child is not adequately prepared for this event, then one should hardly be surprised at the increased susceptibility to any infection, disturbances of appetite, sleep, and increased frequency of hysterics and whims. So where to start? First: Let's start with ourselves. Believe me, it will be much easier to prepare a child for attending kindergarten if, first of all, the parents themselves are mentally prepared, realize the need and importance of visiting a preschool institution for the further intellectual and social development of their child, are patient, and most importantly, optimistic and confident that everything it will definitely be good. The main mistake of many parents is that they either underestimate the situation or overestimate it. Some people hope that everything will go smoothly and will work itself out after some time without any extra special effort. After all, all children sooner or later get used to kindergarten, and you should not interfere with the adaptation process. Someone, on the contrary, attaches excessive importance to this event, and is so carried away by preparing the child to attend kindergarten that it becomes more like an obsession. With their active actions, parents disorient the baby and make him anxious. The correct position of parents is the “golden mean”: make the necessary preparations, create an appropriate image of the situation and psychological attitude in the child, trust the child’s nature, his intuition and be ready to adequately respond to difficulties. And the main thing to remember is that the child very sensitively, at the subconscious level, perceives the emotional state of the parents. And if parents have doubts, experience uncertainty or fear about their child’s attendance at kindergarten, then it is hardly possible to talk about the child’s easy and quick adaptation to new conditions. Second: Let's choose a kindergarten. The choice of a preschool institution must be taken seriously. The most successful option: the child came to the nursery or junior group and graduated to first grade. It is highly undesirable to transfer a child from kindergarten to kindergarten. Therefore, it is worth: - making the necessary inquiries about the preschool institution, consulting with acquaintances, friends, finding out about the status of the kindergarten, availability of a license, etc.; - Be sure to visit kindergarten. Pay attention to the general impression it makes, the presence of the necessary comfortable conditions, sanitary and hygienic standards, equipment; - talk with the head, read the agreement on the mutual obligations of the institution and parents, find out the necessary nuances: working hours, features of the educational program, the composition of the teaching staff, the presence of specialized specialists: psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, the existence of additional developmental classes, for example, in a foreign language or fine arts; - get to know the teacher, inform about the child’s character traits, his habits, find out the daily routine in the group, leave your contact details; - observe the kindergarten children during classes or walks, ask some of them a few unobtrusive questions about what they like in the kindergarten, whether they enjoy visiting it. Third: Let's prepare the baby. Start psychologically preparing your baby early. Talk, discuss, explain the positive prospects of attending kindergarten, give successful examples from the lives of friends and neighbors whose children already go to kindergarten. Try to get your child gradually accustomed to the idea of ​​future changes. But at the same time, don’t overdo it in explanations, don’t get hung up on yourself and don’t overload your baby with unnecessary details. Be tactful.