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Internet addiction Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine life without search engines, without email, diaries and forums. The pace of life is increasing, we have a lot to do, and the Internet is so miracle find. You can send a business letter via mail, place an advertisement, chat with friends on ICQ, discuss business issues via video conference on Skype and much more. Let's figure out what needs the Internet can satisfy. Satisfying cognitive needs, the need for information - various sites , blogs, forums, diaries - allow us to get any information, be it service sites or traveler reports. With the help of service sites and search engines, we learn about news, events in the world, in the country, in our hometown, we download various working programs for reports. in the tax and pension fund. Using the online translation program, we can quickly translate any text from any language into our own and vice versa. And it’s okay that the translation is sometimes clumsy, you can still understand the meaning of what was said, which means that in addition to information, we can expand the space of interaction and language barriers matter less and less to us. That is, with the help of the Internet, we can more fully satisfy the need for communication and not only in your homeland, but also to find like-minded people, theoretically, in any corner of the globe. According to research, 91% of Internet addicts surf the Internet for the sake of communication. It is important for each of us to realize our desires and intentions, to self-actualize. You can’t always, not everywhere and not with everyone, share your feelings, but in a diary or on the forum is possible. Someone is engaged in some kind of creativity, writes poetry or prose and would like to find a response, get an assessment. Organizing your own photo exhibition, renting a room to display your products is a very expensive business, but talking about your observations, publishing poems, interesting photographs that you took on vacation on the Internet is possible. Among the vast world of users, there will probably be at least one like-minded person who will be interested in you, someone who can appreciate your talents. What else can the Internet give? One of the basic human needs is security. Sometimes we can open up or express ourselves, demonstrate something personal, if we are sure that communication will be safe. Well, if something is wrong, then you can turn off the computer or change the user nickname. The real world around us may seem very complex to some of us, even hostile to others, and when communicating via the Internet, you can be emotionally protected through anonymity. In Maslow’s pyramid of needs, sex is located along with hunger and thirst. What does cybersex give to people who, for some reason, do not have an intimate partner or whose sexual relationship does not satisfy them? Again the same set. Accessibility, anonymity, emotional security and the opportunity to realize their fantasies, which for some reason they cannot realize in their lives. About 8% of users who visit porn sites are addicted to porn sites. Men prefer videos and photographs, and women are more interested in talking about it. Online you can become a super woman or a sexual giant; the attractive thing is that you can talk through your fantasies without fear of an unwanted pregnancy or partner’s aggression. During such visits to adult sites, you can brighten up your loneliness, experiment, forgetting about fears and complexes. What else? Need for respect and belonging - we need other people, friends, like-minded people, because we want to be known and loved, and to feel accepted, approved and respected. The term Internet addiction appeared not so long ago. American psychologist Ivan Goldberg in 1994 began to talk about such an unreasonably long stay on the Internet. But currently onlyresearch and statistical data collection is underway, it is necessary to clearly define the line between unhealthy and normal use of the network. And since the term addiction is medical and psychological, it needs to be proven and confirmed by a number of factors. For some, it is the norm to devote a lot of time online - this could be the work of a programmer or advertiser on the network or something else where the working tool is the Internet . In addition, this is the majority of students who spend a lot of time preparing for exams, sitting at the computer for more than one day. According to the director of the Internet Addiction Treatment Center in America, Kimberly Young, every 8 Americans are at risk of Internet addiction. The situation is even worse in China, Taiwan and Korea, where the proportion of “network addicts” is much higher. China has recognized Internet addiction as a national problem, and centers similar to treatment centers for drug addicts and alcoholics are being created in the country. In Finland, Internet addicted young people are not taken into the army; for young men who spend all night on the Internet and have no friends or hobbies, military service turns out to be too much of a shock. Since the Internet can satisfy many needs, let's figure out for whom it can be dangerous .So-called crisis periods of life contribute to getting into addiction. Let's start with adolescence. The teenager begins to leave the home world into the world of adulthood - for him it is complex, frightening and alluring, he is pressured on the one hand by parents, school, friends, and on the other by his needs and strong changes that occur at this time in the hormonal system .It is important for teenagers to know themselves. This is not an easy process. They need to move into the uncomfortable adult world of adult problems, breaking away from the world of children's concepts and games. It is important to understand Who am I? How am I different from others? What is important to me? What do others think of me? What do I want from others? Knowing yourself can be both exciting and painful at the same time. An important need for a child is the need for significance and belonging. Internet addiction is a behavioral addiction, it is problematic behavior. If a child devotes so much time to the Internet, then he, as it were, sends an “SOS” signal to his parents. Very often, if this happens in a family, then we can say that such a teenager is given attention only when he behaves badly or is sick, and if he behaves well, then no one needs him, everyone has their own concerns and interests . It also sadly affects a child when he is strongly controlled in the family, everything is decided for him, his true needs are ignored, such a child, having matured, begins a struggle for power - and the computer offers many ways to realize his aggression. These are online shooting games, where you can shoot your anger and punish offenders, these are porn sites and certain dating sites, where you can write all sorts of nasty things and thereby, as it were, take revenge on your parents. It is important not to forget that the need for love, one of the most important human needs, it is the awareness of one’s worth and being loved that allows a child to develop psychologically. But, unfortunately, teenagers are increasingly beginning to replace real communication with virtual communication. What do they find in the illusory world? Independence and security. On the one hand, the child sits at home and does not need to leave the apartment, he is protected, and on the other hand, under any nickname, he can go to any site and feel like a full user who can do whatever he wants. If the child has his own there is no one to share feelings and experiences with, if the parents cannot accept him unconditionally (which means that you can express dissatisfaction with the child only with his actions and deeds, but at the same time saying that he is dear and that he is a good person), then your The child will try to satisfy his needs in the illusory world. Moreover, he will try to avoid responsibility for his feelings in the freeanonymous cyberspace. And this is another big step on the path to addiction. After all, the ability to make a decision on your own, regardless of how friends and parents react to it - and to bear responsibility for it - is one of the indicators of adulthood. But this only gives behavior in reality, and impunity and universal accessibility, which is present on some sites, it corrupts. During adolescence, a child, if he is neglected in the family and he is lonely, may develop some types of addiction. Cybersexual addiction - it is relevant for the following reasons reasons - A teenager is going through puberty, he needs to learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex, which means problems related to sexuality are getting worse. There are 3 basic reasons for cybersex addiction. Availability - there are many porn sites and different chat rooms on this matter. Control - you can express your hidden fantasies without fear of being punished. You can try everything and nothing will happen to you for it. Excitement - sex is more a state of our psyche than the genitals. Activity in cybersex allows you to have fun, feel desired, it doesn’t matter that you are 13 and thin and pimply, or you’re an inch, weighing under 90 kg, miracles happen here - and these are children, because they They have not yet gone far from the children's world and their transition is just beginning, it is fascinating in its own way, this illusory space is similar to a fairy tale. Here everything is possible and everything is possible. The second such addiction that teenagers fall into is cyber relationships - dependence on friendly correspondence, interactive games replaces real family and friends, and the more uncertainty a teenager has about his worth, about his real qualities, if he does not have the ability to communicate, then his dependence on cyber relationships will become deeper and deeper. There is also information dependence, this is excessive involvement in searching databases and websites. This, it seems to me, may apply more to those teenagers who are good learn and want to gain respect through their intelligence. They must know a lot, answer any question, be always on top of things, because if they show even a little bit that they don’t know something, they won’t be a walking encyclopedia, they won’t give out information, then they won’t get the feedback they need and recognition of their peculiarity, and then they will feel unneeded, unloved. What can you say to parents about children and teenagers who sit in front of a monitor all day. Dear parents - do not be happy that your child is calm and does not go anywhere, sits at home and is not influenced by the street. You can miss the moment when your child begins to lose reality and turns to the computer as his best friend, he will suffer, not because of lost friends, not because of quarrels and disagreements with them, but because the computer is broken and will hate you for what you will forbid him. The virtual world of the Internet, it is colorful, mysterious, in it you can find whatever you want, not for nothing, there is an expression - the World Wide Web, it beckons and attracts with its possibilities, but it is better not to linger in it for a long time. Child will begin to slowly displace the frightening reality and be drawn into the more controlled and somewhat fair world of the Internet. Justice is that you can behave not according to the rules of adults, but set your own rules. Misunderstanding in the family, at school, among peers pushes the child towards the virtual world, it is easier to become a winner in it than in real life, there are no real losses, mistakes can always be corrected. The bad thing here is that children, unlike adults, do not have this life experience and receiving it not in reality, but in virtual space, they begin to get confused. We ourselves are adults, we often fall under the impression of a book or a movie, and it seems to us that we too can live like this and do the same things, it’s so simple, but then our experience, already accumulated through bumps and mistakes, begins to lead us to061