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In a previous article, we discussed how and why fear of rejection can lead to loneliness. In this article we will talk about how to effectively get rid of this fear. Here are 5 tips for overcoming the fear of rejection: Accept your fears One way to overcome the fear of rejection is to accept it. People often criticize themselves for their feelings, which only makes the situation worse. For example, imagine a person who is nervous before a party. Why? He is afraid that strangers will not like him and that they will reject him. Instead of simply noticing and acknowledging this fear, this person begins to criticize himself. He criticizes himself for being so afraid and for not being “normal.” Thus, he gets lost in thoughts about all the difficulties he faces without solving the problem. Instead, try to notice that the fear is there without judging it or giving it more importance. This will help you overcome your fear of rejection and gain confidence in communicating with others. Develop the habit of positive self-talk Positive self-talk can improve your mood and increase your self-confidence. This is because our thoughts have a huge impact on our emotions and beliefs. When we talk positively to ourselves, it can greatly improve our emotional well-being and increase our belief in our ability to cope with challenges. Try repeating to yourself something like, “I am good enough” or “I am capable of handling difficult tasks.” These affirmations will help. you will feel more confident and strengthen your self-esteem. When you doubt yourself or feel down, repeating affirmations like these can help you change your thinking and mood. Don't Let Rejections Define You Every person has a unique set of qualities that sets them apart from others. Everyone has their own talents and strengths. With this in mind, remember that rejection does not shape your personality, and if someone disagrees with you, that's okay. Remember that even if the fear of rejection is present, you should not give in to it. Remember that others are not focused on you. Most people feel awkward and uncomfortable when they enter a room where there are other people whom they do not know very well. They believe that everyone in the room is looking directly at them and judging them. This feeling of discomfort arises because people tend to be self-critical and overly concerned about the impression they make on others. However, in reality, most people are so absorbed in their own thoughts and experiences that they rarely pay attention to the other people in the room. Therefore, in most cases, such a feeling of awkwardness is just a figment of our imagination. Meet new people The more often you meet new people, the more comfortable you will feel. Over time, you will learn to relax and enjoy communication. Start with small steps, such as a greeting or a short conversation with a work colleague. Gradually, you will be able to have longer and more meaningful conversations with other people. Although the first steps may seem difficult, remember that communication is a skill that can be developed. Over time, it will become natural and pleasant for you, and the fear of rejection will go away. * Practical task To consolidate the tips received, let's do a little practical work: Make a list of 10 important general characteristics of yourself. Consider points that are related to interaction with other people. How would you How would you feel if these qualities that you consider important and valuable to yourself were faced with criticism from other people? Could you still love yourself and be happy if someone criticized these qualities that you value so highly? If not, try to think about how you can change or reconsider these qualities to become less dependent on others' opinions about you..