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Disability of a child Today I want to talk about such an important topic as disability.✅ A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and causing the need for his social protection.✅ Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects. Why are parents so eager to disable their own child, who does not have serious defects in physical, mental or social development? Maybe there is some benefit here? 1. “He is such a sick child.” 2 “He has no immunity, he catches a cold from a light breeze.”3. “He’s frail and weak, what kind of sport does he need?”4. Just look at his build, he’s just like his father, puny, long, weak.5. “What kind of sports does he need, what kind of clubs does he have, he gets so tired at school!”6. “He’s unlucky, he constantly finds himself in bad situations. He’s not lucky in life.”7. “He won’t succeed, he has no strength.”8. “What are you dreaming about!? Your dreams are just fiction.” All this and much more in the section “How to raise a loser or a complex person.” Well, did it respond? Now think about why parents do this? And, by the way, parents don’t always do this. Most often these are grandparents. Well, is the situation becoming clearer? So, let’s think about who benefits from raising a disabled person and why (we read this as: turning a healthy child into a disabled person)? 1. Grandparents who have faded into the background (becoming grandparents) begin to feel that they are losing their influence, their significance, they cannot come to terms with this, so they try to interfere in the affairs of their children with reproaches that they are raising their grandson incorrectly. These same grandparents try to demonstrate their love to their grandchildren in a distorted way - they feel excessively sorry for their grandchildren, depriving them of the opportunity to attend clubs or sections (he has no strength, he is so tired at school, sports are not for him, etc.). The child's mind perceives this as a message - “I don’t need this, I’m tired.” An understanding of the benefits is imposed on top - “I don’t have to go to the section, I’m tired at school.” And the next time you ask your child to do something around the house, he will say that he is tired. Do you understand the logic? Everything has consequences, just remember that.2. Parents (mom or dad), not receiving full love, care and attention from their partner, try to subjugate and tie the child to themselves in order to feel needed. “He’s sick, so he can’t cope without me.” These can be either single parents or parents who have a partner.3. Parents with low self-esteem. Parents are sufferers. I agree, it sounds rude, but it reflects the essence of the situation. These are the parents who were bullied in childhood, discriminated against, oppressed, and threatened. Such grown-up children may try to subjugate the child in order to create a safe atmosphere that they did not have in childhood + show the child that he cannot cope without a parent (inspiring the child that he is weak).4. Suspicious and anxious. Suspicious and anxious parents and grandparents will drag their child/grandchild to hospitals, take tests, assign diagnoses, protect them as much as possible from everything around them, showing that it is safe only next to them and nowhere else. Now think about who can grow out of such a child? What problems will this person have? Have you done something similar in your life?✅ What to do so as not to raise a loser?1. Wednesday. A person is shaped by his environment. That is why we have launched an “accessible environment” project in our country. People who have some difficulties or defects should not feel disadvantaged, inferior, or limited. If comfortable conditions are created for a disabled person to exist and interact with the social environment, then he develops in exactly the same way as a person without limitations.🚩All people develop according to the same general laws, influence)