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Have you ever thought about the question “who am I?” A lot of answers come to mind, ranging from homo sapiens to roles assigned to oneself or other people. There are roles that we choose, such as profession, faith, cultural affiliation, family status, etc., and those that appear without our intervention: race, gender, nation, parental family, disability, etc. .Is it possible to live without roles? To be free from labels? most likely this will lead to recluse, and this is another role. To solve many of your problems and answer questions, you just need to understand all your roles. There are things that we cannot influence, we can only change our attitude towards them, at the same time, there are also things that can be changed. What can you change? If you realize that your car, profession, faith, your cool watch, books, paintings and everything that you have is not you, you reach a new level of awareness and if you want enlightenment. All you have is yourself. Not even what you are, not your thoughts and not your emotions, but YOU, your life. Understanding this, you can more easily solve your problems, create and achieve more, and most importantly, be happier. Awareness is a readiness for transformation and a person at this stage often needs an assistant walking alongside, a teacher. Someone finds such a teacher in religion and esotericism, someone in a friend, some in enlightened masters and geniuses, others in a psychotherapist, a few in themselves (although the teacher always lives in you, you need to learn to communicate with him, for this you need an assistant ).In order to start your movement you need to work on yourself and the closer the object on which you begin to work, the more productive and faster the result. You can start working with the problem “my boss is an asshole” or “my daughter doesn’t listen to me”, then the work will be long, because... the object lies outside of you, but you can start working with YOUR thought, for example, “I’m lazy,” “I’m a bad father,” “I should, but I can’t,” etc. In most cases, sooner or later, “bad thoughts” greatly spoil life, layer other problems and are ultimately reflected in the body. What is the body? The body is something with which the “I” is physically inseparable and therefore our “signboard is our body” by which others evaluate us. In addition, we express ourselves through the body (image, hairstyle, tattoos, piercings, athleticism, plasticity, strength, etc.) and the body expresses us through itself. For example, having problems in sexual life, the gait changes, having low self-esteem, a person hunches over, antagonism and anxiety lead to eczema, resentment, anxiety, anger, dislike for oneself, psychotrauma can lead to various diseases and dysfunctions of the body. The body always reacts to our condition, in everyday life you can observe bear sickness with strong excitement, yawning from boredom, back pain during dilemmas and crises, headaches from difficulties or quarrels, increased blood pressure and hypertensive crises against a background of strong fear, mistrust or unwillingness to accept anything, etc. Attachment to one’s own body can play a cruel joke on a person. You may not like your body, not satisfy your needs, or be “alien.” This may occur due to acquired dysfunction of the body (somatic or psychosomatic), or there is initial dissatisfaction (disabled people, transsexuals, skin color, appearance, etc.). Then a person can begin to “harm” his body, sometimes literally causing harm, sometimes by accident (unsuccessful operations), and sometimes trying to do better (terrible makeup, inappropriate clothes, too much tattoos, piercings, etc.) Thus, the body has there is a great influence on us and if there is dysfunction, then a vicious circle appears: problem => expression in the body => dissatisfaction with physiology => layering of problems => worsening of the problem => disease => even greater dissatisfaction => even greater layering, etc. With every lap it gets worse, it gets harder and harder to get out, it gets harder and harder!