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From the author: “The most difficult step is the step that separates us from the usual.” Papaji. She sat on a chair, her back was straight, and her posture expressed confidence... But at the same time there was a feeling of some kind of duality, as if she was wearing a mask to protect herself from the impending pain. He was silent. He did not dare to raise his eyes to her, because then she might see something in them that he carefully hides from her. She saw his embarrassment and two feelings fought in her: joy and doubt. Joy - because his embarrassment can only speak of one thing: she is not indifferent to him. Doubt... Doubt, it makes it difficult to believe that she could be interesting to someone who is so dear... She was ready to take risks, she looked into his face, but his eyes were still downcast. And she retreated... “What is he afraid of? Why doesn't he look at me? — she often replayed this picture in her head when she was alone. “He asks questions and listens to me, but as soon as I look at him, his gaze goes straight to the floor. What is this?" - she was tormented by doubts, she could not believe that the man she liked could have feelings for her.... In the depths of her Soul, this woman was not at all sure of her attractiveness, her need, that a man could love her. Her whole life before that was only confirmed the opposite: they didn’t say kind words to her, they didn’t look after her, no one even asked her to marry! She felt unwanted, uninteresting, ugly and unloved. These thoughts often led her into a state of depression and even depression: she didn’t want to do anything, didn’t want to see anyone, much less communicate. And she filled her whole life with falling in love with men who either did not want or could not reciprocate. And in such half-love, based only on her feelings, she lived... Such love, on the one hand, helped to be “as if together with Him,” and on the other... she was still lonely. All her love lived only in in her head and heart, in reality there was no relationship. What is this? Why does she continue to play out the same scenario of a lonely woman again and again in her life? And why now, when He is here, nearby, is she still alone, just like him? What prevents each of them from doing the first and being maybe the most important step? Why, when two people meet, when perhaps they could be happy together, does something prevent them from meeting each other halfway? My God, how many fears are in everyone’s head! These unreasonable fears interfere with growth, happiness, love... She so wants to come up and bury herself in his strong shoulder, but she is afraid... Afraid that he will push him away, afraid to frighten him with his determination, afraid, afraid... He is afraid of harming his reputation, afraid of feelings, afraid of passion, afraid of mistakes, afraid of deception... Will this story really end in nothing and she will be lonely again? And he? After all, he too is unhappy, although he tries his best to hide it. When two people meet and a spark runs between them, when both understand that something is happening between them (or do not understand) - that uncertainty that lives inside, suddenly at that moment comes out: and those same doubts begin, those same fears that paralyze clear consciousness and prevent action in real life. It’s also good if out of two only one is unsure of himself. Then there is a chance for the relationship to develop, because the other one can take the initiative. What if two people are not confident in themselves? Then there is no chance of a relationship? Which of the two is more constrained and unsure? Will they really choose to remain lonely and unhappy because of their fears? Or, worse, will they find someone more courageous so that he can make a choice for them: let me live without love, but I won’t be afraid... This is how it usually happens in life: the more insecure are drawn to the self-confident, but only in order to be decided for them, chosen for them and controlled... They, unsure of themselves, do not understand that the self-confidence of another will not help them, but will only harm them, because this is not true confidence to which they are so