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Many people are sure that leaders are born, not made. Actually this is not true. Anyone can become a leader, but it will take a lot of effort. Psychologists believe that leadership qualities are formed in childhood, although they can be acquired at any age. This article will talk about how to become a leader at any age. First, you need to understand why people are ready to follow the leader. What exceptional qualities he has. Why can your work colleague lead the crowd, but you can’t? It turns out that it’s all about a small set of qualities that any leader possesses. Below is a list of character traits necessary for a leader: 1. Charismatic2. Determination3. Self-confidence4. Initiative5. Responsibility6. Erudition7. DecisivenessNow in more detail on each of the points. The foundation of every leader is his charisma. No one will listen to a person whose personality is not sympathetic. You can read about how to develop charisma on the Internet. Purposefulness is an important factor on the path to leadership. Every leader must have goals. Moreover, both global and local. Naturally, goals alone are not enough. It is necessary to achieve these goals at all costs. This is the only way you will achieve respect and faith in you from people. A leader who doubts is a bad leader. If you don’t believe in yourself, then no one will believe in you. Initiative and responsibility. Everything is clear here without words. A good leader will not only lead the crowd, but will also make sure that everything is “just right.” A leader is an example to follow, and if you are an extremely negligent person, most likely no one will listen to you. A leader must not only be responsible, proactive, charismatic, but also smart. This is how human psychology works; if we see someone smarter than ourselves, we are unlikely to doubt the correctness of his decision. And in general, they say, it’s useful to be smart. Decisiveness. You can't write much here. Any leader makes decisions quickly and firmly. You shouldn’t “crumple the buns,” but you need to weigh everything well, since hasty decisions can work against you. By following these simple principles, you can increase your status in society, gain self-confidence and, perhaps, become a real leader.