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From the author: Olga Maksimenko Pregnancy and childbirth are the two most important stages in a woman’s life, having both physiological significance and social implications. To realize your natural purpose means to succeed as a mother. Unfortunately, it is during the postpartum period that a woman becomes the most psychologically “vulnerable”: she can succeed as a mother, but what about the realization of her personality? Some women, having “served” the required period of maternity leave, fearfully return to their usual production and creative duties. To be literally “torn out” from the outside world for several years means to lag behind the collective mass trends that shape the life of a modern person outside the home - at work, in a team, that is, in society. Prenatal fear about “what I’ll do it alone at home” gives way to questioning flashes of apathy: what will I do after maternity leave? Will they lay me off? All these anxieties and experiences can be eliminated within a few consultations with a specialist, often part of the circle of therapists at the antenatal clinic: a psychologist, a psychotherapist. A reliable and proven way to prevent social phobia associated with low self-esteem from overpowering yourself is to do something interesting. Art therapy cures literally everything! The state of mind is a projection of visualization of the surrounding world. But just looking at beautiful objects that create a positive emotional background is not enough. You need to “try them by touch”: that is, learn how to make them yourself. Painting with a brush, clay modeling, making soft toys, crocheting - all this can (and should) be done while your baby sleeps peacefully in the cradle. In most cases, a hobby discovered during maternity leave becomes a favorite creative activity for the rest of your life. The reason for such conceptual transformations is the special psychological state of a nursing mother, who is experiencing natural hormonal changes. It is doubly wonderful when a cute hobby acquires an increased coefficient of “usefulness”: products made with your own hands can be of interest to others! Part-time work in the form of selling crafts will bring a small but material income that will revive a woman’s self-esteem. In my case, such art therapy was sewing muffs for baby strollers. Forced necessity opened up for me an amazing, hitherto unknown world of highly artistic life! My friends appreciated the original hand-made product - they became the first customers for such an important winter accessory. Then passion kicked in: why not? Combining business with pleasure yielded unexpected results: depression disappeared, I had a strictly structured schedule for my home “working” day, and my own clear system of tasks. Confidence was added to self-organization: now I knew for sure that layoffs after maternity leave did not scare me, because I had found myself in a new business. Subject metaphors, original drawings on exquisite muffs are the best possible way for me to express my inner self. Fortunately, contact with the “inner child” was not lost: cute lambs, a dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, deer, fish, flowers and much more began to be embodied on high-quality fabrics, integrating my inner state of inspiration. Despite the fact that for many, the period of maternity leave remains a period of “female degradation”, I know that there is another polarity - a launching point, a resource for new personal opportunities, acquaintance with the creative Self. And be blessed this maternity period of my life, which gave me not only the “title” of mother, but and who discovered in me the author of a women's startup - a project for the production of creative clutches for strollers. I recommend visiting a psychologist if: - while on maternity leave, you are experiencing anxiety, worry about tomorrow; - frustration and depression overcome you - and there is no break in the routine of everyday life; - you are a mother with a feeling of guilt before your child and husband; - there is a desire to go out to work and hire.