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From black and white cinema to color. About the ability to enjoy life. Can we rejoice? Where do we get this feeling? How does it arise? When I began to “wake up” after a very difficult period in my life, I remember how enormously my feeling about everything around me changed. I went outside, it was warm autumn, the end of September. And suddenly I began to notice everything around: what a clear blue sky, and how beautiful the trees are, it turns out, the foliage rustles pleasantly underfoot, the air is unusually tasty... I remember this change inside very well, as if I had woken up from a lethargic sleep. Life was a black and white movie and suddenly it became color. Of course, not suddenly. It took me a lot of effort for this miracle. But the moment of “epiphany” itself was magical. Since then I have become a different person. I, like everyone else, can be sad and sad, but I have learned to help myself, I have learned to rejoice, to be grateful for what is given, and this saves me in any circumstances. In fact, joy is everywhere. And the most important thing to learn is to see it. We walk down the street, buried in the toes of our shoes, but there are so many beautiful things around: a house of incredible architecture, an interesting man with a wonderful beret on his head, a fluffy cat watching the city from the first floor window. If you start noticing, joy will be present in life. Instead of the usual: “the gray sky again, I’m tired,” you can say: “how beautiful and smoky it is today.” You have to try very hard to see beauty. It won’t work out for a day, it won’t work out for two, but it will work out on the third. Again, if I understand that I somehow didn’t feel very happy, then I know what these feelings can give me. People choose the simplest and most convenient path, basically. Go to a bar, get drunk, and feel an illusory uplift from this. Why are our hypermarkets swarming with people? Because food and alcohol are kind of surrogates, “fillers for gray everyday life.” Or you can go another way. For example, go out to the embankment to admire the sunset on the Neva, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and watch your favorite movie, or take a walk in the park with a friend. Everyone has their own recipe for this. These things seem elementary. But many remain at the “we heard, we know” level. What's the whole point? What they need to do. Everything requires effort from us. Maybe people don’t really like this word now, but in any case, the “joy muscle” also requires training. Most of us are waiting for something wonderful to fall on our heads. A miracle will happen. But a miracle comes to those who are ready for it. And readiness is developed through simple things like this. We are required to change our perspective on the simple everyday events of life. Be able to see the good and give thanks. The best thing about this is that the brain quickly gets used to the new perception. We are the person we create ourselves. I can create myself as a whiner and be dissatisfied with everything. But I can try and create myself as a person who likes this life. The picture of the world changes - the world changes. From inside to outside. This works 100%. The Universe responds to us. All materials are on the website