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Translated from English - bullying - intimidation, mockery, persecution. Every child at school or even in kindergarten can encounter this phenomenon. Victims of bullying have common features: - the child differs from the team in some respects. This may be a different nationality, skin color, appearance features, developmental features (may lag behind, or may be ahead of their peers); - often low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence (but sometimes arrogant children with excessively high self-esteem can also become victims of bullying). - often underachieving children. The situation of violence affects the child in the most negative way: self-esteem and academic performance decrease, anxiety increases - the child is under constant stress, which can contribute to a general weakening of the immune system and the occurrence of diseases. The task of parents is to notice the deterioration of the condition in time and take urgent measures. It’s good if a child can come and tell his parents everything, but it’s worse if the relationship is not very good. What should parents do in this situation? Let’s start with what NOT to do: don’t devalue the child’s experiences: say that this is nonsense, everything will pass, you need to be above it, not pay attention, etc. say “it’s your own fault”, “weak”, “you can’t” stand up for yourself”, etc. you don’t have to go and deal with the offender yourself, using forceful methods. Now about what YOU NEED TO DO. Bullying is a disease of the entire school community. Not only the victim suffers, but also the aggressor himself and even those who do not participate in the bullying, but seem to be watching from the sidelines. Bullying contributes to the formation of cruelty in children, makes them suffer from a sense of injustice, helplessness, changes values, and breaks their picture of the world. Therefore, the problem of bullying must be solved comprehensively and work must be done with all its participants. Initially, talk with the class teacher or school psychologist. They must take measures to improve the psychological climate. If this does not help, then contact the director and vice principal of the school. Try to talk with the parents of the offender. In any case, be on your child’s side, console, support, and pamper him. At worst, think about transferring to another class or school. The main thing is not to despair and not to give up! With respect and care for you, psychologist Svetlana Vasilyeva.