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Crystal layout is a method of immersion in a trance state using crystals and natural minerals. The author of the method is Christina E. High-Hardy, a friend of Vianna Stibal (founder of the Theta-Healing method). At the beginning of the session, the crystals are laid out around the client in a certain way, which helps to create an electromagnetic field like a crystal lattice that comes into contact with the energy system of the client and the therapist. The client, therapist and crystals form a single energy system that forms a time portal. On the one hand, this technique helps quickly enter a meditative state and remain in it for a long time. On the other hand, we get the opportunity to move back and forth in time through this portal, exploring the past and future lives of the client. Issues that are resolved during the crystal layout process. 1. We can go to the moment when the disease began to develop or the preconditions for a traumatic event were created. By examining it, we understand the life lessons we should have learned from this situation. Then we uncreate (eliminate) these preconditions and form a future without this disease or traumatic event. As a result, the person easily recovers or is cured of the disease, the person’s life develops in a favorable way - as if the injury had never happened. 2. We can go to past lives where there was a positive experience in one area of ​​life (business, self-realization, children, family life, love, etc.) or the person had some abilities. We create a portal between that life and the present one and “pump” positive experiences or abilities in order to use them in the present. 3. Cancel contracts and agreements that were concluded in past lives with representatives of different Planes of Existence - for example, they refused to have children in exchange for a prosperous life or abandoned love in the name of the “Great Goal” (“the crown of celibacy”). In this way we can remove generational curses, genetic diseases, and chronically unsolvable problems. 4. Find out your Divine schedule (those life milestones that must pass in this life) and find out your purpose. 5. Meet with relatives and loved ones who have passed on to another world. 6. Establish contact with your Higher Self and your Soul, talk to your Angels and receive a message (parting words) from them. 7. Look into your future and change it if necessary and much more. Practitioners of Theta Healing can solve all these issues using Theta Healing techniques. Crystals help activate the Theta brain waves faster, maintain this state for a longer time and obtain a trance state of greater intensity and depth, which makes it possible to get to the deepest programs of the psyche and key beliefs, carry out the “excavation” faster and better. A crystal layout session lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. The cost of the session is 1500 rubles. at one o'clock.