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!!How do we define a crisis?!! • Your current life situation does not satisfy you. • What you are doing is not working or helping. • You feel that despite the constant and endless “doing”, you are standing still. • You have already analyzed the current situation two million times and you know all the solutions, but the problem is that they do not work. In other words, you are stuck in transition. The old life is no longer satisfactory. It’s time to move on, but where and how is unclear. !!And what do we usually do?!! • We do more, better and more effectively what no longer works in the new conditions “I’m constantly doing something to change the situation, I’m not sitting idly by, but it’s all to no avail.” • We are trying to find positive aspects in what is happening “I have long been tired of this job, but it is stable and close to home.” “We have been strangers for a long time, but the children have a father.” “I don’t get paid enough for my work, but I help people.” • Pretending that nothing is happening “In the end, this is how everyone lives, and what makes me think that I deserve more.” “Many people would dream of having what I have now, but I’m still dissatisfied with something.” • We give up and no longer try to change anything “Why bang your head against the wall, it’s all pointless anyway.” “So this is my fate.” “Were not rich and have nothing to start with.” And what happens to our lives in the end? • Men close themselves off from life with an “endless banquet,” an obsessive hobby, or “let off steam” on loved ones. • Women begin to seize on problems, become immersed in continuous “doing,” all-consuming care for the child, books, forums, and obsessive shopping. Dissatisfaction with life does not go away, tension in the system increases and eventually breaks out in the weakest places: • Children often begin to get sick “out of nowhere.” • We develop some chronic diseases, we try to get treatment, but we just go in circles. • “For no apparent reason” equipment breaks down, everything hangs, ends, turns off and stalls. • Some crazy coincidence of circumstances arises when the whole world around collapses and everything happens at the same time. This is the “release of steam” in the system. !!What should you do when you are in a crisis?!! To begin with, a crisis is an absolutely natural thing. Without crises, there is no development and transition to a new stage is impossible. A crisis means that you have already outgrown your current situation, job, relationship option, or other, and it’s time for you to move on. As we saw above, restraining this powerful driving force leads to devastating consequences. You just grew out of these “baby pants” and they are bursting at the seams. Therefore, the only way is forward! A crisis is a typhoon that can lift you high above the existing reality and open up unprecedented opportunities. But it can also be smashed into small pieces and thrown down at breakneck speed, destroying everything you created earlier. And therefore, the main task is to carefully, step by step, make the transition to a new, higher level of development. !!So, the algorithm of behavior, if you feel that this is a “crisis!” 1. Give yourself permission to stop. It's difficult, I know. Sometimes it's almost impossible. But if you don’t stop of your own free will, life will stop you by force, but under different conditions. The task of this period is “Relax and trust.” It's that simple. In English there is such a verb “to be patient”, literally “to be a patient”, and translated as “be patient”. This is when nothing is required of you, just relax and trust the world. "Lie down on the water." Just take a day off or take a vacation for a month, a year or three. As much as is needed to stop the chaos, to free your head from the obsessive search for a solution. Just be. To be here and now in this moment, as if there is no past or future, only this moment. It helps - turn off the phone, leaving only a close circle in the access area, do not go online, and leave for a while. In a word, to a minimumreduce the information and emotional noise around. 2. And then, in this relaxed, connected state with all that exists, the first faint glimpses of awareness of what is happening suddenly arise. And then insights and insights begin to roll in. And a new period begins. The task of which is “Listen”. Here you can begin to slowly analyze against the background of the absence of mental chaos and information garbage. Listen to yourself: “What do I really want for myself?” Listen to the world: “What do my family really want from me?” “Why am I even in this world? What is my purpose? At this stage, it is time to seek professional support. Deep coaching and psychotherapeutic techniques based on self-analysis work here. This stage gives a vision of your mission and life goals for the coming years. 3. The third period is the first, but decisive attempts to take conscious steps. There is already strength and resource. Awareness of the new self and your new goals. Moreover, there is an unbearable need to finally declare oneself in a new capacity. The task of the period is “Get up! Go and fight! At this stage, something is being done differently for the first time, evidence appears that I can already do it, I’m already a professional, I already have the strength and the first confidence in myself. Resumes are sent, historic negotiations are held, decisions are implemented that completely change the course of life. Self-confidence, support from loved ones, and recognition from those you want to emulate are vitally important. 4. The fourth period is the creation of a system. The first blow has been made, the time has come to figure it out and create a system. If there is no system and stuck at the previous stage, the strength quickly runs out and the person rolls back down. There is a devaluation of oneself and everything done, one’s capabilities and goals. Therefore, after several powerful blows of the third stage, it is necessary to build a system of the fourth stage. This could be: a system for searching for a new direction of activity, a job search system, a new work system, a new sales system, a new relationship system, etc. Personal coaching, planning assistance, time management and other organizing techniques work well at this stage. The system is created, tested, improved, then tested again, eventually brought to the ideal and works successfully for some time. The task of the fourth period is “Make a system.” 5. The fifth period is the development of strategy and global vision. “How do I see myself in this activity in a year? After 5 years? What do I need to do step by step from today to achieve this? Personal coaching techniques aimed at visualizing long-term results and planning along a timeline work well at this stage. A strategic plan is drawn up, implemented, adjusted, strengthened at every stage and ultimately leads to the best results. And, as a rule, to maximum profit. 6. The sixth period is the search for like-minded people, transfer of experience, mentoring. !!And oops – a new crisis...!! “C'est la vie” - that's life. We again feel that we have done everything we could in this field and are eager for change. And a new round of the spiral begins, but with more experience, new tools and the ability to solve more complex problems more easily. Relax and trust! This algorithm of actions was developed by me based on personal professional experience working with clients and using the theory of levels of being of Claire Graves, reflected in the Spiral Dynamics of Don Beck and Chris Cowan. !!How to support yourself at every stage?!! Ask yourself the question “What do I want?” “Who and what can support me?” And learn to ask for help. Unfortunately, not many people can read our thoughts yet, so it’s worth saying out loud that you need help and how exactly you want to be helped. There is always the possibility of professional support. And here its necessity determines the answer to the question: “Is solving this problem so important for me that I am willing to pay money for it?” And I want to remind you that you have the opportunity!