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Communication is not only what is said in words, it is also the language of actions, looks, touches, trust and distrust. Communication determines how close people are to each other, their personal happiness, and the absence of conflicts in the family. The experience of intimacy is necessary for every person, be it a man or a woman, and everyone suffers from its absence. Intimacy is an understanding of all the strengths and weaknesses of a partner. Acceptance is trust, love and understanding of a person for who he is. This is the acceptance of all its advantages and disadvantages without dividing them into good and bad. Each person is unique and inimitable. Each person sees the world in his own way and judges it from his own point of view. If you call some quality in a person bad, and another person calls the same quality good, no one will be right. There is neither good nor bad in the world. It is you who prefer to see either good or bad in the same thing. These are only your assumptions, illusions and deep-seated attitudes laid down since childhood. This is what you were told and how you were taught to see. Every person, object or all nature around us is beautiful and unique. To understand another, you need to be open yourself, be able to listen without criticizing. If there is no sincerity and frankness in communication, but only reproaches towards another family member, then over time the person stops sharing and moves away more and more, which leads to quarrels and scandals. Sometimes fear of openness interferes with communication. After all, information, whatever it may be, can be used against the person who opened up to you. If a similar situation occurs at least once, then the threshold of trust sharply decreases, and with it the quality of communication changes. Before blaming someone else for something, it is important to understand that blaming distorts reality. This is the essence of all conflict scenarios. When you judge, you bring your past into the present, base your judgment on past experiences, and transport yourself into the past. If you say something is bad, how did you know about it? You bring these alien judgments into the present, accepting them as your worldview, with little or no thought about the reasons. What in these judgments comes from you personally and how can this even be correlated with the present? If you look at a person without judging whether he is beautiful or not, whether he is good or bad, whether he is evil or kind, a certain feeling of beauty arises. This person becomes unique and inimitable. When you judge everything around you, it becomes rigid and uninteresting. Judgment and criticism are easy on the mind. “He is bad” is the easiest thing to say, many do this, because it is difficult to see the other’s rightness and all the good in him. Feeling right allows you to judge others. One of the shortcomings of the human mind is the perception of everything as given. Everything as usual. This is how it should be. But in life everything is different. Everything is in endless motion. Only the mind remains the same. It (the mind) judges everything according to old patterns, people look at everything in the old way, as they learned from childhood. This happens in business and in any situation. If you try to move away from your usual patterns of behavior, start appreciating what you have, and be constantly grateful for it all. Then you can apply one rule to solve family problems: “No one owes anyone anything. If you don’t like it, do it yourself.” After a long day of work, many people feel tired. I want peace, to lie down, relax, a lot of things irritate me. Household chores are also often annoying. So what to do? First, remember the exercise for developing a sense of beauty. The simplest way to increase the energy of the body and improve relationships is considered to be the development of a sense of beauty. The feeling of beauty is a slight positive euphoria and a feeling of bliss. You can walk home at a leisurely pace, trying to perceive everyone and everything around you as beautiful and unique. If you want, stop and admire something. It is clear that it is difficult in a bad mood.