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There are moments when we can be greatly offended. It doesn’t matter whether it’s intentional or not, the only important thing is what we will do now with this resentment! Some of us may keep this resentment, accumulate negativity associated with the situation in which we were upset, offended... Someone will begin to take revenge, will try to cause inconvenience, pain, etc. a person because of whom he experienced negative feelings and / or emotions. Others will “forget” what happened like a bad dream and only periodically (when there is too much work, moral and physical fatigue.....) that distant traumatic situation will emerge in a completely inappropriate moment. What should we do? A difficult question, but a fairly easy / simple answer! You and I are offended, to a greater extent, not by what they say to us, but by our own idea of ​​​​what they think about us, how we look in the eyes of other people and when our ideas do not coincide with reality (with what we are told), that’s when worries and negativity arise. In situations where you hear words that are offensive to you, before you respond to your offender , ask yourself the question: “Why does this offend you?” If you yourself to some extent believe what they tell you, and you also don’t like these statements, then naturally this will cause you negativity. If you understand that a person is saying nonsense, trying to characterize you.... for example.... as an unpunctual employee, and you know that this is not so, then in this case you do not take offense at him (perhaps you get irritated or angry , but don’t be offended). Or, for example, they tell you that you are a bad mother, can you agree with this? If you doubt that you are a good mother, then you are more likely to be offended by such a statement. Remember!!! It is not the offender who will have to pay for the offense, but the offended!!! Therefore, the most relevant recommendation in this case can be as simple as a horror movie) Think about what you are offended by? Why are you offended? What makes you offended? Track the thoughts that lead to negative emotions and then you will be able to control them! And you will not have to harbor anger and resentment!!!