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It is not theory or concept that heals, but human relationships. Successful therapists are genuinely sincere and demonstrate the necessary empathy and positive attitude. Irvin Yalom. I notice that when the internal emotional state is disturbed, clients do not come..... And also groups do not gather... But once you put things in order in your soul, everything immediately turns out OK. Clients start calling and everything falls into place. Irvin Yalom, one of my favorite Teachers. In his books I find many answers for myself and his quotes somehow very clearly coincide with my worldview and perception. Several years ago, when I was just beginning my steps in the field of counseling, I always admired the work of my Teachers. It seemed to me that I would never be able to work like them... And then my colleague, my “spiritual mother” told me: “Of course you won’t work this way, you will work your way.” I continued to study, studied techniques and technologies, methods and techniques, different directions... And at what point I began to notice that when using the same technique, psychologists work differently. Personal experience, emotional state at the moment and many other personal things are superimposed. And at that moment a certain awareness began, I understood that even despite the technical skills and high knowledge, something was repelling me from this or that psychologist, I did not want to work with him. And you are very drawn to someone and you feel good and comfortable and work through problems effectively. And then a thought was born inside me: For each person there is his own psychologist, for each psychologist there is his own client. Over time, I realized that I have my clients, whom I am suitable for and who are suitable for me. And Indeed, I work in my own way, not like my Teachers. I found my way, my niche (rather, I continue to search). Our town is small, we are all psychologists and know each other. Some are famous, some are not so famous. I don’t like it when clients coming from other psychologists say: “She (he) didn’t help me (didn’t help), I didn’t like it.” Most likely, some of my clients, when they come to others, say the same thing. It just happened that we weren't right for each other. Maybe it was on this day that there was sadness or anger or despair or fatigue in my soul and you read it inside me. It’s the same with other psychologists... Professionalism is an important thing. The work of a psychologist is special. Therefore, working on ourselves is an important part of our professional competence. Cleansing your soul, sorting out all the emotional blockages is daily work and a necessity for a psychologist. Because we work with people. And in an emotional connection with the client, we will not be able to “show empathy and a positive attitude” if there are a lot of negative experiences, emotions and problems inside (because psychologists are People too))). What to do? Be aware. And maybe, when there are no internal resources and strength, give yourself the opportunity to recover, take care of yourself that day. Surround yourself with positive people. And this, by the way, is a magical thing! It so happened that in my life, in recent years, there has been a complete renewal of the environment. For various reasons (geographical, ideological and political))! But new ones came, I am so grateful to one sweet person in my life - She always smiles, we started laughing so much. We don’t talk about anything negative at all (I’m sorry, but with the old environment it was like that!) Funny phrases in the chat, nice conversations over coffee and support “Everything is fine, everything works out!” - and joy begins to fill you from within. And when there is Joy inside you, everything really turns out well. And clients call. And groups pass by. And it works easily. And helping people is easy. There are often topics on the forum, “How to choose a psychologist”? How? Soul. If you feel comfortable with this person, then this is your psychologist. If not, know where it definitely is.!