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In connection with what is happening in the world, many people now have the phrase on their lips - the earth has gone from under their feet. Of course, she didn’t literally leave, but if you look at what’s happening in people’s psyches and with their bodies, the meaning becomes clear. People do not understand and are afraid of what will happen tomorrow. How to look into the future now. What to dream about, what to want. Fear for children, for yourself, for loved ones, for the world. This fear can paralyze, or cause panic and aggression. Someone searches for and finds the “culprits” (in quotes, since often they are people who have little or no connection to the cause), someone goes into self-torture and freezing (which only brings death closer). Someone is calling out that anger is bad and needs to be urgently eradicated from people. Since anger is an innate feeling given to a person for the good. That desire to eradicate it is real violence. When an infant wants to eat, is wet, wants attention, he screams, showing his anger. And it never occurs to anyone that what the child is doing is bad. Well, maybe only to tired parents. And the ability to say, no, stop, even for a small child. This is again about anger. After all, if a child is not prohibited from doing anything and is not taught the healthy manifestation of anger, then he will never learn to be safe. Stove, fire, socket, window, strangers, road, etc. etc., as we all understand, this is very fraught with consequences. In addition, if instead of building a healthy contact with your anger, you start to push it, then sooner or later it will simply destroy your psyche and body. Well, or it will get out of control and sweep away everything around. Moreover, it has little to do with the true causes of anger. A person needs anger. Moreover, in order to return to the body and be in the here and now. Indeed, in fact, until we are in the here and now, not in contact with our body, our feelings and emotions, any tomorrow simply cannot exist. If you are not present now, how can you look into the future? In order to go somewhere, you first need to see where I am now. How am I here, what’s wrong with my body, thoughts, emotions. You cannot get from point A to point B if you are simply not in A. Fear, panic, anger, aggression, anxiety, powerlessness - all these feelings need to be recognized and lived. Like joy, happiness, love... And feel them in the body. If you suppress the so-called negative feelings, then everyone else will be suppressed along with them. By the way, if you think that now is not the right time to rejoice and love, then remember the Second World War. When even on the front line, the soldiers found time for joy. Otherwise, they would simply die from unbearable pain. To be in the here and now, everyday activities that involve the body are very helpful. Exercising, cooking, cleaning, squeezing dogs and cats, family and friends with love 😊. Look into your closets, sort through things, throw away what you don't need. Walking in the fresh air is a must. Turn on the music and dance. Shame and guilt come? It's not time for dancing. And for your death, time? No? So we return to life. And we remember that without today, tomorrow will never come. Difficult to do on your own? Then choose a psychologist and everything will work out for you 😊 P.S. Meditations are great and they really help. But only when a person is in contact with his body, feelings and emotions. With respect to your and my journey, Elena Denisenko Bravitskaya is a clinical psychologist, body-oriented therapist, art therapist, NLP practitioner, spiritual practitioner, tarot reader, constellation (online). You can make an appointment with me in private messages on the website, via telegram or WhatsApp +79859942455