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“Anxiety for the child” Client, 40 years old, teacher. Child, 20 years old (chronic illness) Divorced. There has been no relationship for the last 2 years. Childhood: Single-parent family. Raised by mother and grandmother. Mother overprotective, controlling, tough. Psychotherapeutic experience: attended VDA (children from dysfunctional families) for 3 years. Work with a psychologist in the following areas: CBT / NLP / Reliving therapy. Alternative directions: Theta-healingTotal: 150 hours of self-help groups 25 hours of work with a psychologist Complaints: I’m afraid to let go of control over the child, I’m afraid for my health, I can’t come to terms with his choice to leave university. I feel: anxiety, panic, despondency. Transpersonal therapy: 1. “Working with negative and positive certainty” Session summary: - Thoughts: “I accept the child’s choice to leave the university. Leaving a place that is not yours is better than studying without a goal Perhaps she will find something else for herself. Feelings: calmness, lightness, peace. The client expressed a desire to continue working in the direction of transpersonal therapy. 2. Query: “Something inside me” Maybe I have psychosis? In the process of work, a suicide in the family came up; the client never interacted with this person. He died when she was a child. The session was stopped, as a result of overwhelming fear, a conversation was held with the client on safety precautions, it was explained in great detail what we were working with and how. image. A week later, the condition was the same. The client complains of scary voices. 3. “Room” technique The client was able to trust, work with her initial request was continued. All the suicides that came during the session were dealt with, war and hunger. A week later, the client felt better. easier, the voices began to disappear, the realization came that this was the critical voice of my mother. I had a strange dream. 4. Request “Strange dreams, anxiety, uncertainty” The work with sleep was completed, during the process the client again encountered fear, but the session was able to continue. All sleep events have been processed. Result of the session: calm state, clear thoughts.5. Request “Internal Conflict” Technique “Working with Parts”. In the process of work, the client’s dominant parts were identified, suppressing the development of other parts, basic needs, femininity and creative potential were suppressed. Conversation and mediation of all parts were conducted. The result of the session: I felt good and comfortable inside. Feelings: lightness, inspiration. Current information: the client’s condition is stable, the voices have disappeared. I took care of myself, my comfort, beauty and well-being. No complaints. PS Permission was received from the client to publish data from the therapy process