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To realize your potential for happiness (and it depends on us by as much as 40%), use strategy for achieving happiness #4 - “Do good deeds.” But do them correctly:) Scientist and psychologist, researcher happiness Sonja Lyubomirski in the book “The How of Happiness: a Scientific Approach to the Life You Want” recommends the following rules for doing good deeds: 1. Plan your good deeds in advance: clearly indicate where, how long it will take and what kind of deed it will be. Let it not be too small that you won’t miss it, and not too big that you won’t get tired of it. It is better to choose one day in the middle of the week and plan one big or several small good deeds for it. Please note that for a task to bring you a feeling of happiness, it should not be routine for you, something that you have done before.2. Variety is the spice of life. Be sure to add variety to the good deeds you do. Don't get used to what you do, add variety to your good deeds. Think about what other good things you can do. But this does not mean that you need to stop doing all the good deeds that have already become routine for you! And they are also necessary and important and bring you a certain amount of happiness! And here are examples of good deeds from which you can get ideas for your own future “non-routine” good deeds: If you have difficulties with money, give someone your time: offer fix something, help in the garden, take a friend's child to the playground, or check on your friend's completed tax return. Surprise someone: make a homemade cake and treat someone, take a friend for a walk, give a gift, write a nice message, or call people you know. Do something you don't usually do: for example, agree to participate in a market research :), smile sincerely, say "hello" or "thank you" to a passerby or cashier. Develop compassion: try to step into the shoes of another and feel his position (by the way, psychodrama helps a lot with this!!). Imagine what it's like when you can't pay your bills, when you get fired or have to take care of a disabled child, when you can't read or don't even have the strength to change a light bulb. Try offering help to such people every week. This will greatly increase your own sense of gratitude for what you have, and will also develop compassion for less fortunate people. Every week, do a good deed that you don't tell anyone about and for which you definitely don't expect any reward.3. A chain of goodness. Remember that your good deeds tend to encourage people to do new good deeds of their own (remember the movie “Pay it forward” - by the way, I highly recommend it!) And the good news is that even when people just hear about some good deeds, their mood already rises and they become infected with the desire to do good deeds too! strangers in trouble. A participant in the TV show “The Deal” said on air that she needed £15 thousand for an IVF procedure. The next day, Michael called and secretly transferred the entire amount to her. Richard Osman, TV presenter George Michael worked anonymously at the homeless shelter where I was a volunteer. I didn’t tell anyone about this because he asked us not to tell. That's the way he was.Emelyne Mondo, actressOne lady from a children's charity told me they were only still around because of George Michael.Kate WaughChris Tarrant and I spent every Easter on Capital FM event to help children, George Michael showed up at 3:30 and made a £100k donation. Mick Brown, DJ He gave £25k to a stranger