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Relationships are like a garden. And in order for it to bloom and bear fruit, it must be regularly watered, seasonally processed and protected from the vagaries of nature. It is necessary to sow new seeds and weed out specks. Everything is the same in love. In order to maintain spiritual comfort, you need to know and understand the features of its calendar. Calendars of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring of love. When we fall in love, the spring of love begins for us. It seems to us that we will be happy forever. This is a time of innocence and simplicity. A wonderful, magical time when everything seems perfect and everything turns out naturally, without effort. We believe that we have met the perfect person for ourselves. And, out of inspiration, we spin around in a dance to the melody of love, rejoicing in our common happiness. Summer of love. At this time, we come to understand that our loved one is not without shortcomings, that he also tends to make mistakes, and that he is not perfect. And we realize that we are different. Feelings of disappointment and annoyance arise (plants in the hot sun require watering, it’s time to remove the weeds). It is no longer so easy to give love and receive in return the feelings that we need. We find that we no longer feel constantly happy and do not always have a friendly attitude. And it turns out that no, this is not how we imagined our love. Many couples during this period of the stage experience disappointment and part with illusions. The problem is that they do not want to improve their relationship, naively believing that the spring of love lasts forever. During this period, couples begin to blame each other, not realizing that love is not easy, and not so simple. That sometimes you should work hard under the blazing sun. When we thin out the summer of love, we should support our loved one and at the same time rely on mutual feelings, reciprocal love, which is so necessary. Autumn of love. It's time to reap your own fruits of hard work in the garden of love. Autumn. This is a golden time: it is rich in its gifts and brings feelings of satisfaction. This is the time when love has entered the stage of maturity. Now there is the ability to accept and understand the imperfections of the chosen one, as well as your own. It's Thanksgiving time. And during this period, you can share with each other the results of your work. Having worked hard during the hot summer period, you can relax and enjoy the return of love. Winter of love. Here, the weather changes again. During the cold month of winter, nature goes to sleep. A time of rest and reflection. In relationships, there comes a time to feel our hidden mental pain. It is then that the “lid of the vessel” in which our painful, painful feelings were hidden is lifted within us, and they strive to come out. This is a time for our own development, when we should rely more on our own strengths, and not turn to our partner for support in order to feel pleasure. You need to worry about your own problems and dissatisfaction alone or contact a specialist. This is the time to heal your soul. What you have to go through. In winter, men retire to their “caves”, and women sink to the bottom of the “well” of their feelings. After we feel love for ourselves and crush our souls during the dark and cold winter love, spring will follow. And love and many opportunities will dawn again. Having devoted the period of winter rest to the analysis of their feelings, as well as the healing of spiritual wounds, then they are again able to open their hearts to love. And finally, as it has already become known, that love has its own calendar, regardless of the weather of nature. What comes easily in the spring requires hard work in the summer. In autumn you will experience contentment and generosity. But when winter comes, and with it comes a feeling of emptiness. The feelings you experience in the autumn may leave in the winter. When the emptiness of winter feelings sets in, you may forget how to love and!