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It happens that there is anxiety and acceleration so twists us in everyday life and affairs that we lose ourselves, lose contact with the body. And we hear it when it’s impossible to pass by. And it happens that it seems to be a vacation, a rest, but he sits inside the top and spins his rotations at a breakneck speed: “Well, I need to buy things, write a list, count the money, now I’ll go to the gym, otherwise my butt is no longer the same.” .. I need to go buy cream and wash the floors, it’s completely dirty here, and what kind of wife am I that I can’t clean up... “And so on. And it turns out that relaxation is not a thrill at all. This is what happens when we value ourselves for something. Not because we exist. But for something. It sometimes happens that as soon as we let go of everything and are sick, we rest - and the husband is more grateful, and the children are calmer. But not at once. And when there are no other options, we seem to be squeezed into a corner - “we have to rest,” for example, when we are sick, or once a year on vacation. But what about in everyday life? And in everyday life we ​​are controlled by our top - “act”. The attitude is this: “whatever you have done, that’s how much you are worth today.” And then we are like a squirrel in a wheel, constantly anxious or angry from fatigue and internal conflicts, there is not enough energy - because this tension is constant, in the end we accomplish less than we want, but we want me to be valuable! But it’s not always possible to accomplish enough things on these scales for me to be valuable enough for myself. And the point of the trap is that this will not happen. That a lack of self-worth will continue to give rise to various feelings: anxiety, shame, anger, dissatisfaction, and so on. And this is the acceleration mechanism - to run away from these feelings to where I have known for a long time. It has long been known how I can EARN my value. How to get out of this circle? Slow down. Give yourself 10 minutes of doing nothing and not thinking about things if possible. That is, just be! If this doesn’t work out, then watch your breathing for 10 minutes. Listen to him, count your inhalations and exhalations. Focus on the sensations in your body. This will not remove the attitude or provide a new way to find value in yourself. But it will be the beginning to see what is happening and the changes associated with the slowdown. This work is long and deep. Everyone has their own path from automatic reactions, habitual parental scenarios to their own. Our true value is that we are alive, that our body works, that I am here (not doing, but being!). I don't have to earn love and value, prove or show anyone anything. It’s enough for me to just be: in this world, with these people, in this city, filling it with my presence, my feelings, my attitude to what is happening. I don’t have to shout to everyone about what’s happening to me; I can express my feelings by attributing them to myself. I came here to be, to live, to be. And this is the basis on which aspirations, desires, and so on are strung. Then I won’t be carried away after them in the form of obsession, no. Then I can always return to the state of being.